K6XN k6xn at att.net
Wed Jul 1 09:43:52 PDT 2009

Team, special thanks to all who responded to my pitiful pleas for help
trying to merge multiple floppy disk databases for multiple station Field
Day logs. What a great bunch of people we have in this hobby!!! The solution
was to convert all the floppy disc database files to version 10 database
formats using the  9to10  Support Utility from K1EAs website and copy them
to the same file as the CT program. Next I downloaded the latest version 10
CT for Windows application from the K1EA website. The next part is tricky.
The only thing that ultimately worked for me was to download and extract the
mrg10.zip  file from the CT10 Support Files section of the K1EA website and
replace the existing MERGE application. Next I had to move to the DOS
Command Prompt and enter " C:\Program Files\K1EASoftware\CtWin MRG10WIN
FILE1 FILE2"  wherein FILE1 and FILE2 are the two BIN files I wanted to
merge. This works *GREAT* and it works consistently for me with no problems.
I am embarrassed to admit how long it took me to figure this out even with
all your helpful suggestions. FYI we needed to solve this not just for our
last week's FD operation but also moving forward for future multi-multi
operations we want to run from the Sierras. Thanks again guys!!! Time for
K6XN to get some sleep. As far as I know this "solution" is not documented
anywhere. I will replicate this on four Win2K laptops for our next contest
operation at our Sierra contest QTH. FD was very helpful for us in
discovering what wasn't working for a multi-multi setup :-)  We still had a
lot of fun and I think we may have two more contesters as a result :-). 73
and KB, Ted, K6XN, CT software and database rookie. 


PS I never could get the MERGE application that is downloaded with the
version 10 CT for Windows to work for me on my Windows 2K or Windows XP
platforms. Only the newer  mrg10.zip application extracted to the CtWin file
and using the command MRG10WIN rather than MERGE would actually work for me.
I hope this is helpful to anyone else trying to merge CT files on a windows

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