[ct-user] DX Cluster issue

Al - N1API n1api at cox.net
Wed Mar 18 02:27:23 PDT 2009

I know that this may not be the correct forum, but I do no see a DX 
Cluster discussion list.  Perhaps some of the cluster SYSOPs or someone 
who can contact the cluster SYSOPs are listening and can help.

Can something be done about 5Z4FT and his constant preaching that seems 
to go on all day?  He does not seem to be talking to anyone but just 
posting random things that seem to come up in his demented mind.  It is 
most annoying to see lines and line of gibberish with no apparent purpose.

I know in the days of the radio only clusters he would have been quickly 
locked out of his local cluster and the problem stopped there.  Now with 
the the TELNET connections he can come on almost anywhere.

Anyone able to offer some help on this.  Is there a way to block him out 
of the network completely?


Al - N1API

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