[ct-user] Fwd: Is CT development dead?

Nate Bargmann n0nb at n0nb.us
Thu May 13 19:07:08 PDT 2010

* On 2010 13 May 10:50 -0500, Dennis Vernacchia wrote:
> Hmmm...could this open a bag of worms with everyone requesting their
> favorite
> change made to "CT " (  the great and MOSTLY WORKING... for the Most Par...
> DOS Version )


There is nothing preventing anyone from aksing Ken for features now or
in the past.  In fact several are documented as being added at the 
suggestion one user or another.  That's how software expands and gains
more capabilities.  The program author can't think of everything!  ;-)

>  like some current Windows based programs we know about and have a real PIA
> learning curve ???

I'm not sure how that relates to my request.  I suspect that whoever
would take over development and whatever conditions Ken may be agreeable
to would be interested mostly with keeping pace with new radios, contest 
rules and submission changes, and other new shack hardware (is either 
version of CT compatible with K1EL style keyers, for example?).  It's 
not too likley that the UI would be touched unless to fix some glaring 
problem that I'm not aware that CT has.

The development model could take a variety of forms.  One possibility is
that Ken would open up development to a trusted team who could verify
any outside contributions and fixes.  Many collaborative projects
currently work under this model and it works very well.  Despite the
source code being freely available there are very few forks
(duplication of the source by another entity).  Most software users
prefer to use the official release from the project.  In the case of CT
that would likely mean that the DOS version would be updated as long as
there was interest in it and updated versions would be available for 
download, ready to run, as now.

73, de Nate >>


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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