[ct-user] Request for June VHF Logs - A Brief Reminder

Dave Zeph zephd at indy.rr.com
Tue Jun 14 21:49:00 PDT 2011

While you are submitting your June VHF Contest Cabrillo file, please
remember to send a copy to me so I can turn around an update to the VHF
Super Check Partial and VHF Prefill Files before the July CQ VHF Contest.


The Databases are available in various forms to support CT, N1MM, NA,
RoverLog, SD, Win-Test, and WriteLog and are located at www.k3lr.com/w9zrx/


Please E-Mail them to    zephd at indy.rr.com




Thanks and 73 * Dave, W9ZRX



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