[ct-user] CT WIN Questions

Bob Shohet, KQ2M kq2m at kq2m.com
Thu Nov 21 10:06:38 EST 2013


I have some questions on the windows in CT WIN – I am using an two FT1000MP’s networked via 
the –enet switch with two WIN XP computers.

I enter CT Win by clicking on the CT WIN icon which I placed on my desktop, which then takes me
to the CT WIN screen and then I enter the contest, etc.

Is there a faster way to do this?

1) Can I change something in the properties in the CT WIN icon so that when I click it, it will
take me directly into the .bin file?

2) I am using the –vga switch and I have maximized the screen, and made the buffer large but the Super Check Partial and
the other windows are still quite small, in fact smaller than in CT DOS.

How can I make the windows them taller and wider?  Clicking/grabbing and pulling the corner of the window doesn’t do anything.

3) The actual window that shows the qso’s, shows only the last 5 q’s.  Is there a way
that I expand this to show more than the 5 q’s?  CT Dos showed the last 9 q’s. 

Tnx & 73

Bob KQ2M

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