[ct-user] CTY-2407 Country Files - 21 June 2014

Jim Reisert AD1C jjreisert at alum.mit.edu
Sat Jun 21 19:38:11 EDT 2014

The Country (CTY) Files were updated on 21 June 2014:


For installation instructions, start at:


Hover your mouse over the word Contest in the menu, then select the
software you are using.

To install the file, follow the link to your software at the top of the page.

If you are interested in a bigger CTY.DAT for everyday logging, you can get
it here:


Note that the release notes (and Version Entity) for this larger file are
different than what is shown below.  There is a separate link to them.

Here are the release notes:

    21 June 2014 (CTY-2407)
    VER20140621, Version entity is East Malaysia, 9M6

    Added/changed Callsigns/prefixes:

	* EF6 is Spain, EA
	* AM06, AN06 and AO06 are all Balearic Islands, EA6
	* AM08, AN08 and AO08 are all Canary Islands, EA8
	* AM09, AN09 and AO09 are all Ceuta & Melilla, EA9
	* GB0VC is Northern Ireland, GI
	* GB0RWM, GB0WIW, GB1JC, GB1PGW, GB2BEF and GB2MOP are all Wales, GW
	* HK3JJH/0 is San Andres & Providencia, HK0/a
	* K1ENT, KC7DUT, KD7WJM, KF4PRM, KF4WGX, KG0XR, KG7ICS and N2NL are all Hawaii, KH6
	* AB7YO and KE4YLG are both Alaska, KL
	* KB1UZV is Puerto Rico, KP4
	* LU8DQ/D is Argentina, LU
	* OH1FJ/S, OH2MO/SA, OH5K/S and OH6EOG/SA are all Finland, OH
	* R6K, R7K, RA6K, RA7K, RC6K, RC7K, RD6K, RD7K, RF6K, RF7K, RG6K, RG7K,
	  RI6K, RI7K, RJ6K, RJ7K, RK6K, RK7K, RL6K, RL7K, RM6K, RM7K, RN6K, RN7K,
	  RO6K, RO7K, RP6K, RP7K, RQ6K, RQ7K, RR6K, RR7K, RS6K, RS6R, RT6K, RT7K,
	  RU6K, RU7K, RV6K, RV7K, RW6K, RW7K, RX6K, RX7K, RY6K, RY7K, RZ6K, RZ7K,
	  U6K, U7K, UA6K, UA7K, UB6K, UB7K, UC6K, UC7K, UD6K, UD7K, UE6K, UE7K, UF6K,
	  UF7K, UG6K, UG7K, UH6K, UH7K, UI6K and UI7K are all European Russia, UA
	* RJ4P, RM4R, RW9WJ/4/P, UA4PN, UA4RF and UA4RW are all European Russia, UA in ITU zone 30
	* UE14TS is Asiatic Russia, UA9 in CQ zone 18, ITU zone 31
	* VE7XF/5 is Canada, VE in CQ zone 4, ITU zone 3
	* VK9EC is Cocos (Keeling) Islands, VK9C
	* VK9EX is Christmas Island, VK9X

    Retired Callsigns/prefixes:

	* BG4WUA/0 in China, BY
	* EA6URL/IF in Balearic Islands, EA6
	* GB2BHM and GB2CHC in Scotland, GM
	* GB0MUU and GB2GGM in Wales, GW
	* KG9JP in United States, K
	* K4EVR, KC4HHS, KF5LBQ and KF7VUK in Hawaii, KH6
	* KD7VXE, NH2GZ and W5TLB in Alaska, KL
	* N4JZD and W4C in Puerto Rico, KP4
	* LU1ALF/D, LU1WCR/W, LU1XZ/H, LU3DAT/D, LU5WQF/W and LW2DX/E in Argentina, LU
	* UE80G, UE80V and UE80YG in European Russia, UA
	* RA4RU/9/P and RN3DHB/9/P in Asiatic Russia, UA9

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, http://www.ad1c.us

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