[ct-user] Where to download CT for windows

Ron Notarius W3WN wn3vaw at verizon.net
Tue Oct 20 12:50:14 EDT 2015

   Well Bob, I hope it was "kosher" too!  Fortunately I have a copy of the ZIP
   file on a thumb drive and on an old laptop, but I did have to go digging for
   it when I upgraded the shack machine to a "new" (to me) Windows 7 box!
   It is unfortunate, though it was probably inevitable, that the site was
   going to disappear at some point.  I just wish there'd been some warning, so
   that anyone who needed a file could grab it.  Alas, it's too late now.
   Now if I could just figure out which Win 7 update hosed CTWIN from running
   on the new machine, I'd be in good shape.  At least I still have the old XP
   73, ron w3wn
   On 10/20/15, ct-user-request at contesting.com wrote:
   Date: Mon, 19 Oct 2015 15:34:56 -0400
   From: Bob Schreibmaier <[1]k3ph at ptd.net>
   To: [2]ct-user at contesting.com
   Subject: Re: [ct-user] Where to download CT for windows
   Message-ID: <[3]562545E0.10204 at ptd.net>
   Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
   Ah yes, I dreaded the day when [4]www.k1ea.com would disappear...
   First of all, CTWin will not run on anything newer
   than Windows XP. But, if that's what you have...
   I took the liberty of saving the ZIP file of CTWin 10.04:
   I hope it's "kosher" of me to do that!
   On 10/19/2015 1:46 PM, Dick NY1E wrote:
   > Hello,
   >  I  got a new computer and am trying to put ct for windows on it and
   couldn't find it on the web! Is it still available??de Dick NY1E
   | Bob Schreibmaier K3PH | E-mail: [6]k3ph at ptd.net |
   | Kresgeville, PA 18333 | [7]http://www.dxis.org |


   1. mailto:k3ph at ptd.net
   2. mailto:ct-user at contesting.com
   3. mailto:562545E0.10204 at ptd.net
   4. http://www.k1ea.com/
   5. http://www.qsl.net/k/k3ph//CTWin/ctwin10_04.zip
   6. mailto:k3ph at ptd.net
   7. http://www.dxis.org/

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