VHF/UHF/Microwave Stuff For Sale at Dayton

Jim Worsham wa4kxy@bellsouth.net
Fri, 4 May 2001 00:02:39 -0400

The Southeastern VHF Society folks will once again be occupying spaces 1962
through 1966 in the flea market at Dayton this year.  Listed below are some
of the goodies we will have available for sale along with the seller and his
e-mail address.

Dick, K5AND (k5and@ga.prestige.net):

1) Six meter RF deck: 8877, vac plate and load caps, vac output relay,
grid-trip, vox hold-off delay, HV fault trip, tuned cathode, Pi-L output,
with blower; 13W by 6H by 12D; Triplett 320 grid and plate meters; very
clean, very potent 2KW out. $1300. (Does not include HV supply.)
2) Competition grade transceivers for 6, 2, 432 and 1296. These are TS-850S
radios with internal DEM transverters for each band. The 6 and 2 units have
1.8 narrow SSB filters as well as 500hz CW filters; they also have DRU-2
voice keyers and low-level alc so the meters are active with the
transverters. The 432 and 1296 units do not have the extra filters or voice
recorders, but they do feature low-level alc. All units come with
documentation, manuals, hand mics and DC power cords.
The 6 and 2 meter units are $1100 each, and the 432 and 1296 units are $1250
3) Mint Command Technologies HF-2500 amplifier with QSK and hypersil
transformer; $2450.
4) NEW HV power supply assemblies with diodes, filter caps and
equalizer/bleeder resistors mounted.
Two styles: full wave doubler for 3KV no load, and full wave bridge for
4.5KV no load. The boards feature 6 amp diodes. The doubler boards are $65,
and the bridge units are $85, with schematics.
5) Two GE (no PCB) 32mf at 4500V filter caps; $30 each.
6) HV power supply with hypersil transformer (120/240 pri), fan, fused,
solid state relay start; 2900 VDC no load, 2700 VDC at 800 ma load. Aluminum
case 13 by 13 by 7H, 40 lbs; $350.

Steve, K4RF (k4rf@contesting.com):

Yaesu FT-847-  $1100

Icom IC-275H- 100 watt 2 Meter All Mode- $550

Icom IC-475H-  75 watt 432 All Mode- $650

Icom R7000 .1 to 2 GHz. all mode receiver (not cell- blocked)- $800

Alinco DX-70T- $500

DEMI 33LNA 903 Mhz preamp- $55

DEMI 5LNA 5760 Preamp- $65

Fred, K4KAZ (runkle@cableinnovations.com):

Eimac 3CX3000A7 High-mu air cooled power triode

Maxium Ratings:

DC Plate Voltage.......5000 volts
DC plate Current.......  2.5 amperes
Plate Dissipation...... 4000 watts
Grid dissipation ......  225 watts

History of tube unknown.

Asking $450

If you have questions about or want to discuss purchasing one or more of
these items prior to Dayton, please DO NOT contact me.  Contact the seller
directly.  There will also be plenty of small VHF/UHF/Microwave parts and
other such smaller items for sale if you are not interested in the big
ticket stuff.  Finally, we will also have copies of the proceedings from the
2001 Southeastern VHF Conference available for sale.  The price on those is
$15.  Even if you are not buying feel free to drop by, sit a spell and
experience some of our warm southern hospitality.  See you at Dayton!


Submissions:              fourlanders@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  fourlanders-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-fourlanders@contesting.com