Next Fourlanders Meeting
Jim Worsham
Fri, 25 May 2001 00:22:54 -0400
Hello everyone. It has been a busy spring with the VHF conference, Dayton
Hamvention and the June VHF contest just around the corner. I am sorry for
the multiple emails, but I have discovered that I have accumulated multiple
email addresses for many of you and I am not sure who is on the reflector.
Anyway, the time has come for us to start thinking about the September VHF
contest. I have been looking at the calendar and it looks like June 16th or
17th (Saturday or Sunday) is probably the best weekend to get together to
start making plans. This is the weekend between the June contest and Field
Day so it is a lull in the contest activities. We can have the meeting
either at a restraunt like Deckers in Cumming or we could do it more like a
social and do the covered dish thing at someone's home like we have done in
the past. Please give me some feedback on a preferred date and time. If
someone would like to volunteer to be host for the meeting please let me
know that also. As soon as I have heard from everyone I will send out a
meeting notice and we will be on our way. In closing, a couple of
administrative things. First, if you have not paid your dues please send
them to K4EA or give them to him at the meeting. Remember, no dues, no
contest. Second, if you are not on the Fourlanders email reflector also
contact K4EA about getting added. If I can get everyone on the reflector it
will save me a lot of typing and you duplicate emails. That's it for now.
Administrative requests: