[Fourlanders] SCORE!!

Robin Midgett rmidgett@bellsouth.net
Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:01:04 -0400

Last Friday, an old friend called me and said "When can you come by my 
house to get some stuff?"
I replied, "Monday, after work, what stuff?"
He said "my tower, rotor and 3 element triband beam."

I landed two straight sections + a rocket top section of Rohn 25G, a Rohn 
hinge plate, a Yaesu G-800S rotator & control box w/manual, and a Mosley 
TA-33, and a box full of various pieces of RG-8, short jumpers, RCA cables, 

So, I/we have another short tower & rotor for contesting. Yes, you may use 
it for Sept.; I'll bring it to Shelby. (big trailer).
The TA-33 and coax collection is for sale; $$ goes to my friend, not me.

Neal; do you still want me to make a drive on hinge base out of your flat base?