[Fourlanders] Re: Fourlanders Stuff

Robin Midgett rmidgett@bellsouth.net
Sun, 02 Jun 2002 14:32:50 -0500

At 01:46 AM 6/2/2002 -0400, Jim Worsham wrote:
>I have a few questions for the group.
>1. Do I need to bring my generator as a backup or whatever?  At this point 
>in time I am assuming that we will be using Brian's generator and the 
>breaker panel like we did in September.  Unless someone tells me otherwise 
>I am planning to just bring my power cord.

We discussed having one generator for a back up & using Bryan's as primary. 
I think Neal plans to bring his genny for the 6m station.

>2.What version of Writelog are we running?  I have 10.26 still installed 
>from last September.  I picked up 10.32 at Dayton.  Should I upgrade or 
>leave it as is.  One of you computer/Writelog gurus please let us know.
>3.  What are everyones travel plans to NC?  I haven't talked to K4SZ yet 
>but I was thinking of going up to his place bright and early Friday 
>morning, pickup the tower trailer and head out.  Have the usual delicious 
>Burger King or Arby's lunch in Cherokee and head to the camp ground.  This 
>should work out OK since I am planning on putting up only one 2M5WL and I 
>don't have to worry about buying food, getting ice for the cooler and all 
>that other stuff that seems to waste so much time on Friday.

Friday early afternoon arrival for me, lunch on the way.

>  A big thank you to W4SKI for taking care of the food and letting the 
> rest of us concentrate on getting the antennas and stations together.

W4SKI for president!

>4. Does anyone need anything from me that I may have forgotten?  In the 
>past K4EA has borrowed my 6 meter amplifier and NX9O has borrowed my 222 
>MHz amplifier.  Since it is my understanding that Neal is going to use his 
>new toy on 6 and Bob is going to help out 222 with his transverter and 
>amplifier I don't have anything on my list to bring, other than my own stuff.
>5. Does anyone have a good e-mail address for KD4HLG?


>  I was thinking of contacting him and seeing if he can join us and 
> operate some.  I was also thinking of contacting KF4DZV.  Anyone else you 
> guys can think of?

I expect to have KE4PJW, KG4NRC & possibly (??) KG4OZL present Saturday 
afternoon. They plan to hit the Knoxville hamfest & then come up to operate 
Saturday afternoon. These guys are completely new to contesting, so let's 
be sure they get infected..uh, have a really good time!

>That is all I can think of at the moment.

That's how it starts....

>Jim W4KXY

Thanks & 73,
Robin Midgett KB4IDC
VHF+ Glutton, /Rover & fixed station EM66se