[Fourlanders] Contest site June 02
Sun, 16 Jun 2002 16:31:35 -0500
Hope you guy's did well in the contest. Just thought you might get a kick
out of seeing my contest site. This picture was taken Friday before the
contest. Mike N4OFA and I were trying to get 10gig going before the test.
Wasn't as good as last year but still did good for QRP. 60,000 + . High
light of the contest was working W1LP/MM of the coast of NC on 6/m 2/m and
432. Had around 300 mile contact on 1296. It sure was fun working 1296 in
the test. Had a blast Friday night working some of the stations in the area
on all bands before the test. Had a great time and the antennas worked
great. Credit them in making some contacts that I may not have been able to
get if I wasn't running stacks. I spent a lot of time tuning and working on
the antennas to get them as perfect as possible before the test. It paid
off. Good to hear you guys on and running so clean. Had 5 rovers that I
helped get ready for the contest form my club. Hope they helped you guys
out. They will be on for September and I hope I will be able to go to the
mountain again. My back is not doing to well and it puts me out for a time
when I go mountain topping. W4NH runs a good station and you guys are all
my friends and was great to hear you on. Please pass this on to all your
ops. See you guys in September.
73' till next time.
Larry AF4HX
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