[Fourlanders] Next Fourlanders Meeting
Jim Worsham
Tue, 5 Mar 2002 23:51:52 -0500
Hello everyone. It is time once again to start thinking about contesting on
the mountain. Towards that end I would like to have our first meeting of
the Fourlanders for 2002 on Saturday, March 16th after the Kennahoochee
Hamfest that same day. I am planning to have the meeting in conjunction
with a meeting of the Southeastern VHF Conference Committee since many folks
are involved in both. I am working with Robin, KB4IDC to find some place
near the hamfest to meet. If you have any ideas or suggestions let Robin
and I know. As soon as we finalize the meeting location, I will let
everyone know. The hamfest usually starts to rap up around 3 so we are
thinking of meeting around 4. I would expect both meetings to be fairly
short so I wouldn't expect it to last much past 6. The agenda for the
meeting is as follows:
1. Officer Reports - Treasurer's report, QSL cards, September Contest
Results, etc.
2. Officer Elections - We need to elect a new board (5 folks) as well as a
President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Someone can serve both
as an officer and on the board. Be thinking of if you would like to serve
and in what capacity. If you don't, we will probably railroad you anyway so
why not save everyone the hastle and volunteer up front. Just in case you
are curious, I do not plan to run for President again (I have done it for 3
years) so if you want to be "fearless leader" now is your chance. If you
want to be on the board or an officer but can't make it to the meeting just
let me know and I will put your name in the hat.
3. Contest Plans for 2002 - June? September? Both? Mile High Campground
again or someplace else? Be thinking about what you can or want to do in
4. Equipment - As you may recall, last year at our last meeting we decided
that we needed to add some antennas and such to the Fourlanders arsenal. It
was decided that the best way to do this was to have a small group of folks
(also known as a committee) take input from the membership and determine
what we need, were to get it and how much it will cost. This will be voted
on by the club and the cost evenly divided amongst the membership as a one
time assessment. So, we need to get that process started and appoint the
committee. Be thinking of if you would like to help out with that.
One final thing, dues are now due. Dues are $30 for 2002. Make your checks
out to the Fourlanders VHF/UHF Contest Club and send them to K4EA. You can
also give it to him at the meeting but remember you can't serve as an board
member, officer, vote or contest until dues are paid so get them to Neal
either before or during the meeting at the latest.
That is it for now. Once again, as soon as I get the meeting location
nailed down sometime this week I will let everyone know.