[Fourlanders] Re: PTT to CW delay
Jim Worsham
Tue, 10 Sep 2002 00:28:51 -0400
2 meters is OK. I have a sequencer I borrowed from K5AND. The other
problem I had was solved by simply using another transceiver. By the way,
one of these days I am going to take an inventory of 6 and 2 meter rigs we
all own. I would guess between us all we must own 20 or 30 (not counting FM
only). While I have your attention Brian, don't forget to bring the 1/2
inch hardline for the 2 meter station. Please acknowledge that you have
received and understand. Thanks.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Brian McCarthy" <rfacres@akorn.net>
To: "Dick Hanson" <k5and@adelphia.net>
Cc: "Steve Adams" <stevews4f@aol.com>; "Bob Lear" <k4sz@alltel.net>; "Robin
Midgett" <rmidgett@bellsouth.net>; "Charles Osborne" <csosborne@citcom.net>;
"Bert Rollen" <k4ar@arrl.net>; "Fred Runkle" <runkle@charter.net>; "Neal
Sulmeyer" <k4ea@contesting.com>; "Johnny Wolfe" <jwolfe@bellsouth.net>; "Jim
Worsham" <wa4kxy@bellsouth.net>; <nsulmeyer@southernstaircase.com>
Sent: Monday, September 09, 2002 7:57 AM
Subject: Re: PTT to CW delay
> Hmmm....
> That setting appears to be a possible solution for CW only. In the heat
> of battle, SSB would not be protected.
> In Writelog, got to Setup, Ports, and in the bottom right corner is a
> click box labeled "CW PTT...". Opening that sub menu box gives CW PTT
> controls which are how to asert PTT (None, COM port command or LPT line
> 16) and a "PTT to CW delay" in milliseconds.
> Jim and Dick,
> I have a a DEMI sequencer kit here at home. The PCB is stuffed and
> tested (Works!). I had not put it into their case yet though, which I do
> have. I had originally thought to use it on the AM-6155 for 222, but
> that amp is not going to the mountain. I presume there is still a
> problem getting some kind of sequencing done on 2m.
> Let me know,
> Brian
> NX9O
> Dick Hanson wrote:
> >Guys....
> >This may be a real help to those of us scrambling around trying to invent
> >workarounds the sequencing problem.
> >
> >I remembered from my trip to San Felix there is an option under setup,
> >PTT, where you can set a delay from when the PTT keys to when the radio
> >starts making power.
> >Those of you who are real Writelog experts will have to comment on
> >this may help, but sounds to me like it could.
> >
> >Comments and how to???
> >73
> >Dick
> >
> >