[Fourlanders] 2003 June Claimed Scores

Brian McCarthy rfacres at akorn.net
Sun Aug 3 22:54:40 EDT 2003

  Hello all,

Here's how we have done according to the claimed scores at at ARRL.ORG.

We are 19th overall for all categories:

Place Callsign    Category         Section      Score
1     W2SZ        MULTI-UNLIMITED  WMA        2019814
2     K8GP        MULTI-UNLIMITED  WV         1737076
3     K3EAR       MULTI-UNLIMITED  EPA        1396036
4     W3CCX       MULTI-UNLIMITED  EPA         793451
5     K9NS        MULTI-LIMITED    IL          792810
6     N2PA        MULTI-UNLIMITED  WNY         524830
7     K3YTL       MULTI-LIMITED    EPA         465942
8     K1TEO       SINGLE-OP HIGH   CT          443240
9     K5TR        MULTI-LIMITED    STX         426070
10    W4IY        MULTI-LIMITED    VA          390885
11    KM0T        SINGLE-OP HIGH   IA          389754
12    K1RZ        SINGLE-OP HIGH   MDC         369633
13    K1WHS       MULTI-UNLIMITED  ME          363814
14    NW5E        SINGLE-OP HIGH   NFL         349762
15    W3SO        MULTI-LIMITED    WPA         341964
16    KC4PX       SINGLE-OP HIGH   SFL         338148
17    K5AM        SINGLE-OP HIGH   NM          323136
18    AA4ZZ       MULTI-LIMITED    NC          300032
19    W4NH        MULTI-UNLIMITED  NC          295320

We are 7th within the Multi-Unlimited category:

Place Callsign    Category         Section      Score
1     W2SZ        MULTI-UNLIMITED  WMA        2019814
2     K8GP        MULTI-UNLIMITED  WV         1737076
3     K3EAR       MULTI-UNLIMITED  EPA        1396036
4     W3CCX       MULTI-UNLIMITED  EPA         793451
5     N2PA        MULTI-UNLIMITED  WNY         524830
6     K1WHS       MULTI-UNLIMITED  ME          363814
7     W4NH        MULTI-UNLIMITED  NC          295320

In a previous post to the group I posted our results. In case you missed 
it, I a copying it into this message:

        VALID    PTS/    QSO      GRID SQUARE
50 MHz     611     1      611         180
144 MHz    157     1      157          41
222 MHz     48     2       96          22
432 MHz     82     2      164          23
902 MHz      2     3        6           2
1296 MHz     8     3       24           6
2304 MHz     3     4       12           2
TOTAL      911           1070         276

SCORE   295320

The 902-2304 contacts netted us 42 qso points and 10 multipliers. If we 
subtract those from the score, we get 1028 qso's times 266 multipliers 
for 273448 points. In other words, the microwave contacts were good for 
21872 additional points to the score. Based on the claimed scores 
posted, we would still be 7th if we had submitted as Multi-Limited.

The claimed results for Multi-Limited:

Place Callsign    Category         Section      Score
1     K9NS        MULTI-LIMITED    IL          792810
2     K3YTL       MULTI-LIMITED    EPA         465942
3     K5TR        MULTI-LIMITED    STX         426070
4     W4IY        MULTI-LIMITED    VA          390885
5     W3SO        MULTI-LIMITED    WPA         341964
6     AA4ZZ       MULTI-LIMITED    NC          300032
7     K8CC        MULTI-LIMITED    MI          254172

With even just a bit of improvement in the microwave operations, we will 
reap big dividends. We could also make some significant progress if we 
would make sure to arrange some schedules for 144-222-432 with grids 
that are within reach, but not often worked. I will be looking to pull 
that information out of the logs next.

I hope this is food for thought.


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