[Fourlanders] Site Plan for contest

Brian McCarthy rfacres at akorn.net
Thu May 29 23:42:03 EDT 2003

Hello All,

I am finally getting caught back up with everything. The site diagram, 
siteplan.jpg, looks possible and should be workable. I have some 
concerns and questions:

1) The Tower Van position for the 2m antenna may need some tweaking 
inorder to clear the trees in that spot. We might even need to move the 
van up the hill (down the drawing) to just behind and perpendicular to 
the operating trailers grouping. Is 2m intended to operate from inside 
the van or in the trailers? If the 2m operating position is in the 
trailers, then the 100 foot piece of 1/2 inch hardline that have might 
just barely reach.

2) With virtually no space left between the main trailer group and the 
generators/small #2 tower trailer to move a vehiicle through, will we 
have enough parking for all the trucks and cars in the remaining space? 
As usual, some vehicles will become gridlocked on the mountain until 

3) Where is 6m intending to operate from? A tent in the normal spot or 
inside the 'IDC trailer?

4) In one of Bob's messages he said, "Brian will still need to be first 
in to turn his trailer around and I'll have to go second to get mine 
turned around and next to the briar patch." I think it will be a bit 
more involved than that. With my huge turning radius, I will need to be 
the first in, but I should get my rig backed down the far side of the 
hill as far as practical. Bob should then pull in and locate the Red #3 
tower trailer. We might want to let the black tower trailer #1 pull in 
next. I drove Jim's truck with that trailer up the mountain and recall 
that I used a fair amount of the middle space to get it lined up into 
the spot. After all that, I pull my trailer up and into position. The 
rest of the ballet can proceed as required. We will need the Tower Van 
into location as soon posisible and before closing off the access to 
that spot.

I hope most of that made sense. Are there any other thoughts?


Bob Lear wrote:

>Gentlemen, Neal had an idea at Dayton when we were talking about the
>June contest.  I have drawn it up as a sketch and scanned as JPEG. 
>Since the reflector strips attachments, I'll send it to those of you who
>I know are planning to go.  Anyone else wants to see it, send me an
>e-mail and I'll forward directly to you.  73 bob
>Fourlanders mailing list
>Fourlanders at contesting.com

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