[Fourlanders] Anyone Heard From.......

Paul Yeager pyeager at tektone.net
Tue Sep 9 13:17:18 EDT 2003


Has anyone heard from the following people regarding their plans for the 
contest weekend?

    * Bill
    * Ivan & Diana White

I have not heard from Bob Lear, but I'm assuming that he and his 
appetite will be in attendance.

I have been informed that Steve and Neal will NOT be attending.

So far, I list the following as being present for some or all of the weekend

    Bob K4SZ (assumed)
    Jim W4KXY
    Brian NX9O
    Johnny K4TW
    Robin KB4IDC
    Sean KG4NRC
    Dick K5AND
    Paul W4SKI

Let me know ASAP if you are not on the above list, plan to attend, and 
wish to be fed!

Please "reply to all", so this message will reach me by all available 
email means.




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