[Fourlanders] Contest Update

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Sun Jun 6 23:04:54 EDT 2004

I spent Saturday over at Bob's place again.  The following is an update.

The 432 station has been packed up and is ready to go.  Bob finished the
903/1296 station and it is packed up and ready to go also.  He was working
on the 2304/3456 station when I left making good progress.

I changed the spark plug in my generator to a resistor type plug and WOW
what a difference!  We went from being able to hear S9+ noise on 144.200 as
much as 50 feet from the generator to having to stand next to it to hear
anything.  If you don't have a resistor type plug in your generator go out
tomorrow, buy one and install it.  As a result my generator will be on the
mountain as a spare/backup.  We really need to have one more backup/spare
generator on the mountain if possible.  Any volunteers to bring one?

Bob and I will be leaving from his place on Friday at 9 AM.  Anyone else who
wishes to join us is welcome.  I will be pulling the black beauty tower
trailer and Bob will be pulling the big red trailer.  Big White and the
green trailer for the 222 antennas are still at Bob's place.  Bob said that
Brian is coming by to get Big White and Neal is going to get the green
trailer.  Just a reminder to you guys that you need to contact Bob and
arrange to go by his place to get those trailers this week.

I am going to go by Sonny's Thursday night and pickup some BBQ with the
fixings for Bob and myself for Friday night dinner.  If anyone else wants
some BBQ let me know and I will pickup some for you to.  Just let me know
what you want.  I am getting chopped pork and beef for Bob and I.  They have
chicken and ribs also but I don't know how well that will refrigerate and
reheat so no guarantees if you want that.

That is all for now.


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