[Fourlanders] [Fwd: [Fwd: Rover News]]

SteveWS4F at aol.com SteveWS4F at aol.com
Mon Oct 4 12:42:44 EDT 2004

In a message dated 10/3/2004 8:28:04 PM Eastern Standard Time,  
n4ofa at localnet.com writes:

Hi  Fred,
In one of the links I sent, you will find a rover list that the guys  in
9 land used and we will borrow their idea for our own list.  I have  a
List started of those interested in participating in our Rover  Party.
Will make a spreadsheet with all the bands, grids, rovers,  info, just
They did and hope to have it online for all to look at  and download.

One part of this effort is to encourage activity,  especially rovers,
By sharing places to operate, and even loaning extra  equipment to those
That need it.   Your offer to rove in  southeast Ky is much needed, not
Rovers go there.  There has  already been a LOT OF INTEREST in this plan
To have so many rovers  operating here, so find some more local guys to 
Join us for a wonderful  rover adventure.

Mike N4OFA/R  EM86RN

-----Original Message-----
From:  fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com]  On Behalf Of Fred Flowers
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 7:37 PM
To:  fourlanders
Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] [Fwd: [Fwd: Rover  News]]

Where is the rover's list located?  I'll rove southeast  KY.
Fred Flowers

----- Original Message -----  
From: "Brian McCarthy" <rfacres at akorn.net>
To:  <fourlanders at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 03, 2004 3:19  PM
Subject: [Fourlanders] [Fwd: [Fwd: Rover News]]

> Please  welcome Mike, N4OFA, to the Fourlanders list. Please read
>  the following. It should be self-explanatory. Let's see if we can
>  finally start to demonstrate the activity potential of the  SouthEast!
> Cheers,
> Brian
> NX9O
>  -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: [Fwd: Rover News]
>  Date: Sun, 03 Oct 2004 13:49:54 -0400
> From: Bob Lear  <k4sz at alltel.net>
> Reply-To: k4sz at alltel.net
>  Organization: SVHFS
> To: Brian McCarthy  <rfacres at akorn.net>
> Brian, FYI and if  you can add Mike to the 4L reflector when you get
> around to it.   Thanks, Bob
> What's the latest??
>  ______________________________________________________________________
>  From: n4ofa at localnet.com
> Bob,
> Very nice  posting about our Shelby Dinner, we will have our act
> this  year and get the word out Nice and early.  We are making some
>  wonderful memories aren't we.  There is nothing like SHELBY,a  true
> southern experience.
>  On another note:   Next June Vhf Contest, I am working toward having a
> LARGE group of  rovers putting On grids in our area.   How about 20
>  ROVERS?   Yea, what fun that would be for everyone.
>  If we can get all the mountaintop groups involved, like  the
> AA4ZZ, and the club stations, this next June  contest will be the most
> exciting EVER.   If you could let  me know how to get on the list for
> Fourlanders contest group, I  would like to get everyone involved.  I
> especially would  love
> to have all your microwave bands on the air, I  want to keep  you guys
> busy.   I am sure that there are extra microwave  transverters and
> antennas that could be loaned out and put on the air.  I think that
> AA4ZZ has some extra gear, we might talk them  into putting on a extra
> band or two.
> Let's design some  plans, charts, spreadsheets, draw some pictures,
> up the  soldering iorn, build some antennas,
> Encourage a new  rover,  talk it up at the SVHFS conference and local
> clubs.   We need some EXCITEMENT!
> Here is a copy of my mail to the  Rover group.  Let me know what you
> think, you always have the  best
> Ideas, who else could we involve?
> Some of  you have already heard my idea to have lots of rovers HERE in
> our area  in the June 2005 VHF Contest.  Imagine having 20 rovers in
>  multiple grids, wow what fun everyone could have, rovers and fixed
>  stations alike.  I picture the multi opp stations so busy that  they
> would finally yell,  "please no more contacts from the  
> rovers"..............
> What would it take to find,  encourage, plan, outfit, publicize, an
> effort like this?  First  and foremost, EVERYONE HELPING, EVERYONE
> Well, it looks like this idea is not a new one and has  already been
> done; it had great success and you can read all about it  on the
> following links.  Here is what is great; someone did a lot  of the
> planning already and we can use their format.  Please  check it out
>  http://www.nlrs.org/RoverPlans/2004-08/RoverMania.htm
> What do  we do first?  I need e-mail addresses of potential rovers and
>  also fixed stations that would actively participate.   What do  YOU
> THINK?   Ted, I know you have lots of good ideas for  us......lets get
> the creative juices flowing.
> Please  go to and read what it was like with 16 rovers during "Rover
> Mania",  the link is near the end of the pages.
>  http://www.qsl.net/km0t/   I always learn something when I read  about
> his newest contest efforts, a great site.
> What  did those guys do to prepare for their "Rover Mania" that we can
>  emulate?
> Send in those e-mail addresses and let's get  started.......we need
> those fixed stations, hill toppers, club  stations, limited multi opps
> be a part of the planning.  I  lost all my addresses twice because of
> computer  damage.
> Hope everyone had a successful adventure in the  September contest; I
> only got to two grids because of the Blue Ridge  Parkway closing, and
> looks like they will have to keep it closed for a  while because of the
> water damage.
> If you do not want  to be included on this mail list, please let me
> 73  Mike
HI Mike-
Great to have you on the Fourlanders list.  I  also love your  idea about 
pumping up rover activity.  I can only speak for myself, but I  would love to see 
an all out effort by the Fourlanders on all bands next June,  with lots of 
Rovers to work.  You're right, it would be wonderful fun for  all.  But we will 
need a lot of participation by potential rovers, home  stations, and enough 
Fourlanders coming to the mountain to help set up and  operate all the bands.
I'm all for it- who else is?
Steve, K4RF

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