[Fourlanders] Sept contest plans update

Bob Lear k4sz at alltel.net
Wed Aug 17 23:50:33 EDT 2005

Gentlemen, things are coming together nicely now.  Here is a summary of
where we stand and a couple of questions to be answered.

We are still planning on limited multi-op with 6 thru 432 and mostly
single tube amps.  We only have four towers so there can be no microwave
for this contest.  

Six meters:  Band Captain Neal K4EA will supply IF rig and transverter,
computer and sequencer to go along with W4KXY loan of 6m Commander amp. 
Greg W6IZT as main 6m back-up op.  Greg would you please bring your K2
and transverters as back-ups.  We have the stations, but having back-up
possibilites will be nice too. The usual stacked pair of beams we use
will go on the black tower trailer (pulled up by W4KXY).  Neal has the
rotator and cable and K4SZ will bring 150 feet of 1/2 inch feed line and
the mast.  Neals operating table is in the trailer.  Bring your chair.

2 meters:  Band Captain Jim W4KXY will supply his FT897, sequencer and
Commander II for the station.  K4SZ is primary back-up op for 2m and
will bring the laptop.  We will use a single 2M5WL (Neal will bring) on
the green tower trailer (Neal will pull) with a Hy-Gain rotor (usually
used for 222).  This is the only combination we can use this long
antenna with and it is the only antenna available.  Brian, we want to
use one of your pieces of 1/2 hardline for 2m feedline along with your
rotor control box and cable for the Hy-Gain rotor.  K4SZ brings mast.
Jim, bring your chairs.  The 12' trailer has operating tables built in.

222 MHz:  Band Captain Brian NX9O will bring his K2, transverter,
sequencer, amp and all the bells and whistles for his station along with
a computer and a server.  Ivan K4VJM will be second op.  Brian will pull
his 20' cargo trailer for 6 and 222 operating positions and Ivan will
pull his 12' cargo trailer for the 2 and 432 operating positions.  222
and 432 will both have stacked pairs of 'FO's appropriately offset on
the red double tower trailer.  222 fed with Brians 1/2 hardline and
using one K4SZ Yaesu rotator, control box and cable (it will all reach
from the red trailer to the white trailer.)  K4SZ brings mast.
Operating table and chairs in the trailer.

432 MHz:  Band Captain Ron WW8RR will supply 432 exciter, amp, computer,
etc same as for June.  Back-up op Jim WE8W.  K4SZ will bring PD, mast,
jumpers, 7/8 hardline, Yeasu rotor and cable (and a back-up radio).
K4SZ will bring a chair.  Ron if you have a favorite, bring it.

More Operators and food status:  Kim WG8S will be joining us and will be
available to operate any band.  Paul W4SKI will stop by to visit and
operate if possible.  I do not yet have a cook confirmed, but Jeff w0onr
is working on being able to go along with us to cook and get some
training time operating too.  We will know in enough time to go either
way.  I will let you know ASAP.  I will probably make a batch of
brunswick stew like always and maybe Jim WE8W will smoke another pork
butt too.

Writelog:  WL version 10.42C will be the version we will use for the
contest.  No exceptions.  It is the one with which we've had no
problems  and has not been affected by upgrades.  We have CD copies if
you need.

Generators:  I think that maybe Brians generator will be able to handle
the load.  We will have single 3CX800's on 6 and 2, the usual pair of
3CX800's on 222 at about half output and Ron's pair of 4CX250's on 432
(a 110V PS for the amp).  What is your opinion, Brian?  I think we
should take the W4KXY 5kW and the K4SZ 2.5kW for back-ups.  I have and
will bring the breaker panel and my 220V extension cable for the 12'
trailer and Brians cable for the 20' trailer is in it.  

We have two cargo trailers for operating positions.
We have three tower trailers with four towers; black, green, double red.
Stacked pairs on all bands but 2m.  Brian, if you need help, I'll
volunteer to assemble one of my antennas and make the phasing lines if
that will help you out.  Then you'll only have to assemble one K1FO. 
Those will really be our only choice since we will have to use the red
trailer and can't use longer antennas.

Jim, I am willing to come to your house sometime and pick up both amps,
your table and the generator to carry up to the mountain.  I'll have
room in my truck to take the amps if that'll help you out since I don't
have a station to bring this time.  I also need a rotator control box
and a cable to use.

I think that pretty much brings us up to date.  If I've forgotten
anything or reported something wrong here, let me know.  Also let me
know of any other changes.

Bring your raincoat, but surely we won't have another hurricane!!
Looking forward to the contest and getting in some serious nap time. 
Thanks so much to the extra ops we have this time allowing me to best
utilize my talents for the contest.

73 Bob K4SZ

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