[Fourlanders] September contest FOOD

Bob Lear k4sz at alltel.net
Sun Aug 28 22:37:31 EDT 2005

Great News!!!!!!  We now have a cook for the contest weekend.  Jeff
Grote w0onr from Dahlonega has decided he'd like to come along and join
up with us and also do the cooking.  He will do the usual deal we've had
in the past.  Just let us know which meals you'll be there for, he will
bring and cook all the food, and we will divvy up the total amongst all
the satisfied diners, paying for his food in the process.

Those folks who will only be there for part of the time will be
pro-rated by the meal as we've done in the past.  Just be sure to let us
know which meals you'll be on the mountain for.

Jeff has been cooking for the NGARC Field Day for the past several years
and some in our group already know his fare.  Here is the Field Day
summary note for those of you who haven't visited with us at NGARC:
"......thanks to Jeff W0ONR for the excellent food and cooking duties. 
We had Hamburgers, slaw and chips for lunch on Saturday after we got
set-up, Smoked Pork Loin, Potato Salad and Fresh Cantaloupe for dinner
on Saturday night and Jeff's awesome breakfast Sunday morning of
Scrambled Eggs with onions and Peppers, Hash Browns with Ham, and
Biscuits with Sausage Gravy."

There you have it, so let me hear from all the participants who want to
eat during the contest and we'll get the list up for Jeff.  We will have
the usual gas grill, coleman stove, microwave and coffee pot if someone
really wants to fix their own.  Just let us know.

Paul, do we have anything left in your possession that the Fourlanders
had purchased for the kitchen in the past?  Let me know.

Everything else is on track for the contest.  No one has dropped out, no
equipment problems have been reported, we have made some changes in the
Writelog situation, but everything is under control and in good shape.
Looking forward to seeing everyone on the mountain.  It appears that
this time the hurricane will clear out a week ahead of time giving us
good weather (think positive!!)

73 Bob

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