[Fourlanders] tower project

wa4kxy at bellsouth.net wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Tue Mar 7 12:22:30 EST 2006

Just an FYI.  Several of us are going to Charlotte for a SVHFS conference meeting that day.

Jim, W4KXY
> From: "Neal Sulmeyer" <k4ea at contesting.com>
> Date: 2006/03/07 Tue AM 09:05:51 EST
> To: "Jim Worsham" <w4kxy at bellsouth.net>, 
> 	"Bob Lear" <k4sz at alltel.net>,  "Hal Kennedy" <halken at comcast.net>, 
> 	"'Rafael Celedon'" <rafael.celedon at gmail.com>, 
> 	<sglandorf at southernstaircase.com>,  <fourlanders at contesting.com>
> Subject: [Fourlanders] tower project
> I would like to finish up my tower project this Saturday (March 11).
> The weather forecast is for rain in the afternoon, so let's start at
> 9AM.  As there are only 3 more sections to finish, this should not take
> very long.  As usual, lunch will be served for all participants.
> Please let me know if you can make it.  I will confirm as soon as I hear
> back from everyone.
> Thanks
> Neal, K4EA
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