[Fourlanders] Meeting minutes

Bob Lear k4sz at alltel.net
Sun May 7 22:35:06 EDT 2006

Unofficial minutes of the FourLanders meeting held at the
SVHFS Conference, Greenville SC. Thursday, April 27, 2006

Present at the meeting:  Bob K4SZ, Jim W4KXY, Brian NX9O,
Ron WW8RR, Steve K4RF and Robin K4IDC.  Maybe more and 
the secretary may have in his records.

Discussion about the state of the organization, contesting in general,
the June contest in particular, membership, dues, equipment, Dayton,
tower trailers and personnel.   It was decided that with the current
group so far committed to June, we will just plan on limited multi.

June contest line-up of Band Captains and ops:
6m Bob K4SZ and Steve K4RF
2m Jim W4KXY and another op
222 Brian NX9O and Ivan K4VJM
432 Ron WW8RR and Jim WE8W
operator pool:  Kim WG8S, Bob WA4VJC, Paul W4SKI
and possibly others.

W4KXY offered to make the reservations at Mile-Hi
and has reported back that it has been taken care of.

The annual election was held with the following results:
President, Bob Lear K4SZ
VP, Ron Rogers WW8RR
Secretary, Brian McCarthy NX9O
Treasurer, Jim Worsham W4KXY

All present paid dues.

73, Bob K4SZ

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