[Fourlanders] FW: [VHFcontesting] 2007 ARRL June VHF LCR's

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Sun Dec 9 15:17:11 EST 2007

Interesting, I didn't realize that.  I purchased a key for W4NH earlier this
year.  Next year, if we continue to use Writelog, we should use that key to
avoid this problem.

Jim, W4KXY 

-----Original Message-----
From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob Lear
Sent: Sunday, December 09, 2007 2:43 PM
To: fourlanders at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] FW: [VHFcontesting] 2007 ARRL June VHF LCR's

One of the things that I think I saw in the lists were that the W4NH call
was not on the particular computer.  Remember that WriteLog puts the owners
name as the used call sign.  It appears that some files were merged and this
was missed.  It looked like they had disallowed some of our logged Q's
because of this.  Brian can better answer the question. 
It is something that we will have to look out for.


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