[Fourlanders] FW: [VHF] IC-375A Available on Ebay...

Rogers, Ron RR124640 at ncr.com
Sat Sep 15 07:47:48 EDT 2007

Certainly glad to see mine is worth that much !!
And to think, I bought the one I have at the Goodyear Hamfest in Akron back about 1985 for $350 !!

From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com on behalf of Jim Worsham
Sent: Sat 9/15/2007 3:07 AM
To: fourlanders at contesting.com
Subject: [Fourlanders] FW: [VHF] IC-375A Available on Ebay...

Check this out guys.  I always get a kick out of what folks will pay for one
of these rigs.  I bet it will go for over $2000.

Jim, W4KXY

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu [mailto:owner-vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu] On
Behalf Of k7xc at charter.net
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2007 7:02 PM
To: vhf at w6yx.stanford.edu
Subject: [VHF] IC-375A Available on Ebay...

Well well...

The holy grail of "all mode" radios is up for sale on Ebay... The

Click on
ame=STRK:MEWA:IT&ih=012 to observe the bidding madness....

I have no vested interest in this sale, but always watch these rigs go for
almost 2K bucks each and every time....

Also found a 222 Elcraft xvtr as well...


73s de Tim - K7XC - Dm09nm... sk
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