[Fourlanders] Need 6 pin mini din

Rogers, Ron RR124640 at ncr.com
Sat Sep 15 07:49:40 EDT 2007

Just to be sure I know what connectors you are looking for, tell me what you are connecting ?
Are you talking the mini-Din that is the same as the newer PC keyboards use ?  (That's also referred to as the IBM PS2 keyboard connector)


From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com on behalf of Jim Worsham
Sent: Sat 9/15/2007 4:14 AM
To: fourlanders at contesting.com
Subject: [Fourlanders] Need 6 pin mini din

I need two 6 pin mini din connectors or even better a straight through cable
with a 6 pin mini din on each end.  Anyone have such an animal?  Thanks.

Jim, W4KXY

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