[Fourlanders] An update on WSJT / Need some assistance....

Jim Worsham wa4kxy at bellsouth.net
Sun Jul 6 20:32:24 EDT 2008

>From what I can tell looking at the photos on the internet, it is the same

Jim, W4KXY

-----Original Message-----
From: S Kosmetatos [mailto:skos at bellsouth.net] 
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 8:24 PM
To: wa4kxy at bellsouth.net; 'Fourlanders Contest Group'
Subject: RE: [Fourlanders] An update on WSJT / Need some assistance....

He's got it mounted on the pole in the dirt, and has been there 20+ years.
He added sand to the mix of dirt as it calls for in the instructions. It is
rock solid with no movement when I hang on it. I was a bit skeptical that
it's not planted in concrete, but I'll consider it if it appears to require

I was going to mention that it looked a lot like the one we use, but I
wasn't certain it was the same tower.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Worsham [mailto:wa4kxy at bellsouth.net] 
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 8:17 PM
To: 'S Kosmetatos'; 'Fourlanders Contest Group'
Subject: RE: [Fourlanders] An update on WSJT / Need some assistance....

I just did a quick search on the internet.  There is a lot of stuff about
the e-z way tower.  They are out of business now but apparently they were
very popular back in the day.  I found some pictures and now for the kicker.
This is the same tower that is on the trailer we use for 6 meters!  I always
wondered what kind of tower that was and now I know!  In its original
application it is mounted on a post and then tilted/cranked up.  They
claimed that you didn't need to put the post in concrete but I am personally
a bit skeptical of that.  Anyway, it doesn't look like too bad of a deal to
take down.  You will need several guys (it is heavy) and a trailer to haul
it on (I am sure we can come up with one of those).  Kos, just let us know
what your plans are.

Jim, W4KXY

-----Original Message-----
From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of S Kosmetatos
Sent: Sunday, July 06, 2008 5:42 PM
To: 'Fourlanders Contest Group'
Subject: [Fourlanders] An update on WSJT / Need some assistance....

OK guys, I am spending a lot of time on radio stuff that I have ignored for
years. I can only blame the group for resparking this interest, but I'll
take full responsibility for taking it too far.

First, an update on WSJT: Have finally gotten the computer, Rigblaster and
radio to work together, and have been successfully decoding WSJT traffic on
20 meters. Still trying to figure out the settings on the software, and what
I am seeing on the displays. I'll need to spend some more time with it, but
I typically only can only seem to get in an occasional 20 or 30 minutes at a
time on it. Have been following the conversations on pingjockey, but haven't
been able to pick up anything on 6 meters or 144 when I see these guys setup
scheds and coordinate their attempts. Still do not have proper antennas on
these bands despite Jim loaning me his 2m M2 a couple weeks ago (more on
this in a minute).

In my quest to get Jim's antenna installed, I've been looking for a suitable
TV antenna rotator that would be cheap and quick to install, so I can get
the antenna up quickly on a roof top mast that's already installed. No go on
the TV rotators - no one carries them except Radio Shaft, and I figure if
it's going to cost me a third of a Yaesu 450, I might as well go with the
450. I went and picked one up from HRO yesterday, but they had to back order
the mast mounting bracket, so I am at least another week out on getting this
antenna up. I also picked up some 1318 coax and some N connectors. 

Scanning the for-sale board at HRO yielded a lead on a 40' crank-up tower.
One thing led to another and today I went to Decatur to look at it. It
appears to be in good condition, so I gave the guy a deposit on it. It's an
E-Z way crank-up, tilt-over. The owner's 90 years old and won't be much
help, but his son will have to help bring everything down. At this point I
think I can get the tower down and get the mounting post dug out of the
ground (about 48" deep), but if anyone is willing to lend technical
assistance to this phase of the project I would appreciate the help.

On the other hand, I will probably need a few experienced hands when I
install it at my house. Again, I can get the digging and the physical work
done ahead of time, but it would be helpful to have some technical
assistance to make sure the post is set correctly and the job is done right.
I am looking at trying to get the tower down in the next couple of weeks and
get it up at my place within the next month or so. I have the installation
instructions on the tower which I can scan and send to anyone who would care
to review them and help me out.

My plan is starting to take shape. At this point it is to stack two K1FO 6m
antennas on this tower, along with a dual band vertical. I think six will
give me more operating opportunities and help me get my competency up - not
just on WSJT but also on sideband. The stacking distance is a reasonable 13
- 19 ft for these antennas.

Two meters and 432 will be mounted later on an Az-El mount as an array on
the roof for other adventures (not committed yet, but have been playing with
some of the satellite tracking programs). Also, if I can get proficient with
WSJT it might offer EME opportunities as well as MS and tropo.

Open to any and all suggestions....


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