[Fourlanders] Contest update

Rogers, Ron RR124640 at ncr.com
Tue Jun 10 09:20:01 EDT 2008

But the dual band FM rig situation goes deeper than just the radio,
doesn't it ? 

Did Ivan supply the dual band antenna, antenna mast, feedline, and power
supply too ? 

-----Original Message-----
From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jim Worsham
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 10:05 PM
To: 'Bob Lear'; fourlanders at contesting.com; 'Gary Abercrombie'; 'Wayne
Gardner'; 'Skip Ferguson'; 'Ron McIntyre'
Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] Contest update

Thanks for the update Bob.  Put me down for the full meal plan.  I have
a couple of other things I want to mention.  First, who is going to
supply the
2 meter/440 FM station?  In the past we used the dual band FM rig that
Ivan had in his red trailer.  That will not be available to us this time
If we had to we could just use the rig in someone's car but it would be
better and more convenient if we had something setup in the trailer.
Second, last year someone loaned me a couple of coax cables with PL259s
on each end.  It may have been Bob, W4ZST.  Anyway, taking inventory
last night I am going to need at least a couple of more cables.  One
needs to be 4-5 feet long and one or two others that are shorter (around
1-2 feet).  Before anyone asks, yes I have dozens of coax cables of
various lengths.  All with N Connectors!  That is all for now.

Jim, W4KXY

-----Original Message-----
From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob Lear
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 10:59 PM
To: fourlanders at contesting.com; Gary Abercrombie; Wayne Gardner; Skip
Ferguson; Ron McIntyre
Subject: [Fourlanders] Contest update

Gentlemen,  Things are going OK even if I haven't been keeping everyone
informed well.  I take care of something and then forget that I haven't
put it out on e-mail.

We are still going to do limited multi-op instead of full multi.
Band captains and station equipment same as last update.  Also haven't
made any additions to the operators list.

So the band captains are:  Jim W4KXY 6m, Bob W4ZST 2m, Brian NX9O 222
and Ron WW8RR 432.  Still coming to operate:  Band captains, Scott NN4W,
Kos N4NIA, Kim WG8S, Jim WE8W, Jeff W0ONR and Bill KI4US.

Haven't heard anything from Gary N8CQ, Tom McElroy KI4WOU, Paul W4SKI,
Bob WA4VJC, Dean K2JB, Gary KE8FD, Wayne N4FLM, Randall N4AC or Mac
WB4MAK.  Let us know if you are planning to come.

Pulling trailers:  Brian - Great White, Ron - Generator, Bob - BlackHawk
for 6m, Jim - His trailer black Mamba (with the golf cart on it) for 2m,
Scott - His small cargo trailer with mast for 222 and he will pick up
Jeff and the food, Kos or Bill - Ron's tower trailer for 432.  Bill may
pull the trailer up and Kos pull it back.  Bill can't stay for Sunday
night and Kos may not be able to come up first thing Friday morning with
us but will be there and able to bring the trailer back.  That should
take care of the trailer situation and assignments.  I will make a list
of which order the trailers will go up to be set up before we go and
have that ready for Friday.

Plan to be at my house in time to get hooked up and get on the road at
9AM.  We'll stop for lunch somewhere along the way like we usually do.

Food: I need to get the info to Jeff by Wednesday at the latest on how
many meals for each person.  Example: for those of us going for the
entire time , "all meals" will mean dinner Friday night, 3 meals each
for Saturday and Sunday and breakfast Monday morning.  For folks
arriving later or leaving early, let me know ASAP and I'll put you on
the list.  Jeff is OK with providing food and cooking for wives and kids
coming also as long as we get the info beforehand.  I'll send the final
list out when I get it put together Wednesday for Jeff.

"All meals" list so far:  W4KXY, W4ZST, NX9O, WW8RR, WE8W, NN4W and
W0ONR himself.

All meals up through Sunday lunch:  KI4US

The usual station and antenna set-ups are planned for the four bands.
We are fine on equipment and antennas and hardware.  We have already
changed to use WriteLog 10.67, the latest version and all the computers
have been updated. Scott is helping out with the time server functions.

Looking forward to the contest and to seeing everyone on the mountain in
just a few weeks.  Another update will be coming soon.

Thanks and 73, Bob W4ZST
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Fourlanders at contesting.com

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