[Fourlanders] Contest prep status

Rogers, Ron RR124640 at ncr.com
Thu Sep 4 09:06:31 EDT 2008

Brian and I plan to get together over the next few days for a quick
"electricity making machine" training session, review the amount of
projected fuel consumption for weekend, etc.

I am packing the Icom 375a Station along as 222 station backup.  Scott
is packing his Icom 910H as backup for either a 144 or 432 station
radio. He and I both now have Icom 706 MKIIg radios mounted in our
Suburbans and either can be pulled to use a backup for 50, 144, or 432

Kos and I will be getting together over the next 5 or 6 days to transfer
my tower trailer to him so he can drive straight up I-985 next Friday.  

I assume the rally point next Friday is still at your old QTH ?


-----Original Message-----
From: fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com
[mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Bob Lear
Sent: Thursday, September 04, 2008 12:06 AM
To: fourlanders at contesting.com; Ron McIntyre; Gary Abercrombie; Jeff
Subject: [Fourlanders] Contest update and food list

Contest time is getting closer and things appear to be going well so
far.  Time to get the food list going.

I have the following folks down for all meals, Friday supper thru Monday
breakfast:  Jim W4KXY, Scott NN4W, Bob W4ZST, Ron WW8RR, Ron K4RBM, 
Randal N4AC, Kos N4NIA and Sherry, Jeff W0ONR   (9)

Friday supper thru Sunday Lunch:  Bill KI4US     (1)

Saturday lunch thru Sunday supper:  Kim WG8S     (1)

Saturday only 3 meals:  Kos and Sherry's daughter and son-in-law  (2)

Wey K8EAB is coming and bringing his own food for Friday thru Sun
morning.  He has to leave early for his son's birthday.

Still need to hear from Paul W4SKI, Tom W4TJD, Tom KI4WOU, Gary N8CQ and
Dean K2JB on meals and anyone else who is planning to come and I don't
have on the list.  Let me know if any of the list above is incorrect!!!

Speaking of Dean K2JB, he has offered to cook his famous Chili and
cornbread for supper Saturday night and his equally famous (cherry?)
cobbler cooked in the Dutch oven for dessert.  You'd all best remember
that I was operating and didn't get dessert last time!!!  Anyway, Dean
offered and several spoke up in agreement so that is the plan.  Jeff
will have a respite for a meal for a change and we'll try to get him on
the radio for some time.

Also on the food agenda, I have about 150 plates, cups, forks, knives
and spoons loaded in the trailer.  I don't have bowls for the chili and
dessert however.  I have asked Jeff to add those to the food purchase
list.  The gas grill, microwave oven and electric frying pan and water
jugs are already in Great White and I'll bring coffee and the coffee
maker.  BYOB.

We are OK on trailer pullers and I will send an update on trailer
check-lists tomorrow after I finish inventory of certain items.

I haven't heard anything so I hope Scott has all the networking under
control for the contest.  He was supposed to pick up the WL server from 
Brian.   And he already had the time server.  Remember that we are 
sticking with the same version of WL that we used in June.  Someone
please bring a back up install copy of WL and the installation key code.

The generator trailer is here at my house waiting for Ron to pull it to
the mountain.  Ron, do you know how to start and stop it?  I haven't
ever done it as Brian usually takes care of business, but I think you
have been checked out and also know how to do the fueling.

On my end, the 222 station has been set up, checked out and packed in
the tubs for the trip.  Wish I had Ron here for trouble shooting as I am
now completely inept.  I spent hours trying to figure out why the linear
wasn't working, changing power supplies, checking current draw, opening
up the linear to see what was wrong, but the only thing wrong was
operator error as the wattmeter was BEFORE the linear!!  Everything was
OK all along except for my lost mind....  Maybe Brian will get a break
from the company and come after all so I can be a back-up op!!!

Anyway, I'll try to remember to get up on Friday morning the 12th and
come to the contest, but I can't make guarantees any more apparently. 
This remodeling and moving are getting to be too much for me.

73 and looking forward to the contest.


Hope all had a good time at Shelby.  First time I've missed in about 12
years, but got a lot of packing and moving done here.

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