[Fourlanders] WSPR ?

Randal DePriest N4AC at amsat.org
Sat Aug 8 05:31:48 PDT 2009

Kim -

Is the article similar to thus one?



On Aug 8, 2009, at 7:30 AM, whensley11 at comcast.net wrote:

> So, has anybody looked at this?
> While at the Dayton Hamfest this year, I took up a year's  
> subscription to RSGB's magazine.  In their latest issue they had an  
> article about WSPR.  Pretty neat!  If you would like a .pdf copy of  
> the article, drop me an e-mail direct, and I'll send it to you.
> I strongly suggest you read this article!
> 73,
> Kim - WG8S
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