[Fourlanders] [LxPeditionsAtlanta] July 4th VHF/UHF from Mt. Mitchell

Bob Mantell k4esa at yahoo.com
Mon Jun 29 09:06:58 PDT 2009

Great Idea Andy!  Do you have 6M or 220 on your HT? 
I have a tip that I learned  from 50/144/432 MHz contesting and weak signal work.   You will find the 446 easier if you use 146  first as a spotting/line up for the yagis,    Working up bands is the way the weak signal guys do it to maximize contacts.
I will be in Blairsville that day at 2500 ft looking for folks with the 19 element 70cm "Laser Death Ray" from the last UHF LxPed and my new 6 element K4DLI/Arrow backpacker.  Using plans I had  Jim, K4DLI model for me, I took my 3 element and a 4 element 2 meter Arrow and built a 6 element that will fit in a backpack.  This will be the first real test for it.  I plan to run 5 watts on both bands with HTs for each antenna, and will have a dual band ground plane to use also if needed.
It should be an easy hop for you and I on both bands .
Hope to Hear you then! 

73 de Bob,
 K4ESA EM74qc
Bob Mantell
k4esa at yahoo.com

--- On Mon, 6/29/09, andy_kd4ukw <kd4ukw at gmail.com> wrote:

From: andy_kd4ukw <kd4ukw at gmail.com>
Subject: [LxPeditionsAtlanta] July 4th VHF/UHF from Mt. Mitchell
To: LxPeditionsAtlanta at yahoogroups.com
Date: Monday, June 29, 2009, 3:11 PM

Hi all,

Well, Field Day has ended, and most of us are exhausted and sunburned. It must be time for... another LxPedition!

I plan to operate from the summit of Mt. Mitchell, NC, on July 4th. I don't have an all-mode rig, so FM phone is the mode for this event.

I will operate on both the 2m and 70cm bands. My plan is NOT to use the national calling frequencies for the scheduled LxPedition. Too many random people will join in if we do that. Not that I dislike random people -- in fact you might hear me on 146.52 and 446.0 outside of the scheduled LxPedition times. 

The most ambitious part of the event is that I want to get my homebrewed 15-element quagi working on 70cm. During my initial field trial a few months ago, I experienced (what were JL's words?) non-optimal results due to poorly constructed reflector/driven loops and an unwieldy mast/support system. I wonder whether any antenna parts are still lying on the ground at FDR State Park? I hope to remedy the situation this time.

For 2 meters I will probably use my 3-element tape-measure beam. However, if I can find enough time between now and the weekend, I will add 2m capability to my big quagi.

With any luck, some of you will get into the hilltopping spirit and we can make a bunch of contacts. I will operate with vertical polarization. I chose frequencies that are designated as simplex "channels" on the SERA.org website.

Tentative schedule, if weather on the mountain cooperates:
Saturday, July 4th
14:00 EDT (18:00Z): 446.1 simplex, or 446.05 if the first frequency is in use.
14:30 EDT: 146.58 simplex, or 146.55 if the first frequency is in use.

Please let me know if you want to suggest improvements to my plan. I will post a final schedule midweek.


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