[Fourlanders] 222, 223.5 Tuesday is *ON* tonight

Bob Mantell k4esa at yahoo.com
Tue Nov 10 06:23:03 PST 2009

I will be on 223.500 FM from 9-11 PM EST tonight, and will be monitoring 145.410 and 927.0125 repeaters for local traffic to coordinate contacts, plus logged in to the chat listed below. 
I have a vertical J-pole and 5 element horizontal yagi.

73 de Bob,
 K4ESA EM74qc
Bob Mantell
k4esa at yahoo.com

--- On Tue, 11/10/09, Todd Sprinkmann <sprinkies at excel.net> wrote:

From: Todd Sprinkmann <sprinkies at excel.net>
Subject: [VHF] 222 Tuesday is *ON* tonight
To: VHF at w6yx.stanford.edu
Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2009, 1:50 PM

   Please get on and support 222 Tuesday as time permits.    Focus the activity between 0100-0400utc.   222 Tuesdays are for everyone, everywhere.   Get on/near 222.100 SSB/CW, or 223.500 FM.   Call CQ, swing the beam, see who's out there.

   Try out real-time chat at www.on4kst.com and see what it can do for your results.   Use the 144-432 MHz room, and don't worry about the Euro influence during our days.   By evening, they are asleep and we have the room to ourselves.  7 simple steps for signing up to this free, no-obligation chat are at   http://kc9bqa.com/?p=1072   This is the same chat several thousand guys are using for 6m and 160m for years now.   Time to put it to work for V/UHF.   
    I will be in chat tonight, and also tomorrow night with the 144 MHz SSB nets.   Having real-time chat opens up a lot of possibilities for more contacts on the bands.   
   Spread the word about 222 Tuesdays, and get ready for the 144 nets tomorrow night.    Both nights are forecast to see some enhanced propagation.   
   For further info about this, best place to go is kc9bqa.com.   Think of my website as a V/UHF newspaper for a wide area of the Midwest/Great Lakes.   Read the newspaper a few times a week, and you're all caught up.   

   Todd   KC9BQA   EN63ao    40 N of Milwaukee
   http://www.kc9bqa.com  For Frequent VHF/UHF Updates  ------
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List rules and information:    http://www-w6yx.stanford.edu/vhf/


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