[Fourlanders] Fw: [VHF] 222 and 223 Tuesday is *ON* tonight

Bob Mantell k4esa at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 20 05:49:31 PDT 2009

How about we promote this in North Ga?   See below for details
I will be on 223.5 tonight after the NFARL Meeting.  5W HT mobile from Alpharetta to Acworth.  9:15-9:30 start  Should be home around 10:00 to warm up the 25 watts on FM with the j-pole and swing the horizon yagi around.
Anyone interested?  

73 de Bob,
 K4ESA EM74qc
Bob Mantell
k4esa at yahoo.com

--- On Tue, 10/20/09, Todd Sprinkmann <sprinkies at excel.net> wrote:

From: Todd Sprinkmann <sprinkies at excel.net>
Subject: [VHF] 222 and 223 Tuesday is *ON* tonight
To: VHF at w6yx.stanford.edu
Date: Tuesday, October 20, 2009, 12:30 PM

   Let's keep promoting this.   If you know of some guys who have 1.25cm in your area, then get them motivated, and get them on the air.   I've gotten a lot of email from those who are FM-only on this great band.   So you FM'ers, get busy,  get the word out.   I'm spreading it in my SE WI/NE ILL area.   
   The idea is to get 222 SSB'ers and 223.5 FM'ers on across a wide area of the country.   No net control, no set schedule.  Just get on the air, call CQ, swing beams if you have them.  Suggested times are from roughly 0000-0300Z tonight.   
   We need to get more hams on the www.on4kst.com chat.   It's a great feeling to log in, and immediately see callsigns of stations who are ready to play radio.   I have 7 simple steps for getting signed up quickly to this chat.   Link to my website post http://kc9bqa.com/?p=1072   
    This chat is free and no-strings-attached.   No software needed and it doesn't foul up your computer.   I promise that.  I've been using it for 6m for some years.   Several thousand already use it for 6m, and now I see several hundred are enjoying it for 160m.   It's time to put it to use for 144, 222 and 432.          I will be in the chat tonight, starting roughly 0000Z.   Of course, I'll also be looking for contacts on/near 222.100 SSB and 223.500 FM.   
    Todd  KC9BQA   EN63ao   40 N of Milwaukee
    http://www.kc9bqa.com  For Frequent VHF/UHF Updates ------

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