[Fourlanders] 10-10 Mobile Event Friday night in Mountains of North GA

Bob Mantell k4esa at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 17 12:50:48 PDT 2010

Starting at 00:01 Saturday(that is 8:00 PM Friday Night to normal folks) the 24 hour 10-10 mobile event will be going on.  A group of us will be mountain topping north of Atlanta Ga Friday night.  Look for us at 28.330, 28.345,.28.375 and 28.400.   Plus where ever else we spread out to. 
I cannot give you a good count on Friday night stations, but at least 5 have shared their plans to be out there.  I am betting there are more who are not telling.    Rumor has it someone may try Brasstown Bald out??? 
Vertical antennas are best, but do not under estimate how well your wire works on long ground wave.   Plus there may be a mobile or two with dual polarity antennas while stopped......
Best traffic will be first 3 hours of event.  Look for me calling CQ at 28.375 at the start of the event from a high spot on the Gilmer, Dawson and Pickens county lines.  After the first hour or so I will be moving south through Forsyth, Cherokee, to a high spot in North Fulton Co,   Remember, every time a mobile changes counties you can work them again for a new contact.
We will be out again Saturday morning mobiling to the KARC hamfest.  I have a high spot picked out in a new county near the ham fest  for a 10M "talk in net"  Look for us on 28.330, with for over flow  to 28.375 .  We will have a parking lot net from 8am to 12noon at the hamfest on 28.330, with a table inside for eyeball qsos.
The pack rove will be on the move in the afternoon. 10-15 new counties may be covered.  Listen on 28.330 for the group to change counties and call for other stations once the group contacts are made.   
Here are the detailed Rules:
10-10 Mobile QSO Party
This event is held on the third Saturday in March from 0001 to 2359 UTC.
All general rules are applicable with the following exceptions:
• Fixed stations contact mobiles, mobiles contact everyone. Mobile applies to
vehicular, marine, aeronautical or other mode of transportation. If in doubt,
contact the Contest Scorer. A station operating a mobile entry must be a true
mobile. Sitting in the driveway and using the base station antenna or amplifier,
or using commercial power is not permitted. RV generators are permitted only if
the generator is used while in transit (moving).
• Operation while your vehicle is parked across a county line, occupying two
counties, counts as two counties and two contacts. Marine and aeronautical
mobiles must be able to establish counties of operation.
• The contest exchange shall be call, name, state, 10-10 number, if a member,
zero (0) if not, and county (if applicable). Only counties in the U.S., Canada and
England may be used as a multiplier.
• Count one point for each contact whether a 10-10 member or not. Fixed stations
multiply the number of contacts by the number of different counties worked.
Mobile stations multiply the number of contacts by the number of different
counties worked PLUS a bonus of the number of counties worked from.
• All stations must submit separate logs for the counties worked from. The Contest
Scorer will combine all log scores.
• Logs shall be forwarded to the Contest Scorer as identified in the 10-10 NEWS or
on the 10-10 web site. Logs MUST be postmarked no later than 14 days after
the end of the contest. Only members in good standing (with dues paid) are
allowed to submit logs.
5.2.13 For More Information

73 de Bob,
 K4ESA EM74qc
Bob Mantell
k4esa at yahoo.com


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