[Fourlanders] Anyone Doing Anything Interesting with Ham Radio?

Brian McCarthy brian at rfacres.com
Mon Nov 15 05:53:19 PST 2010

Just over a week ago, I finished building and initial testing of a
K1EL WKUSB CW keyer. It is supported directly in Writelog, and has PTT
out. Turning the speed knob on the front changes the Writelog CW speed
as well as the keyer speed. This is intended to replace my old tired
MFJ Grandmaster keyer. I will be testing it with the full 222 station,
maybe over the Thanksgiving holiday. I am expecting that it will no
longer be needed to push the footswitch or other PTT to make keyer
generated CW to actually transmit on the 222 station with this new

Sadly, I will not be pursuing the "Completely Over Engineered CW
Keyer" that we joked about during the September contest. It would have
been fun, but I probably would not have completed it.

I also exchanged a bit of email with the writer of CW-Skimmer. I
believe he will be including transverter support in the next release.
I have been playing with CW-Skimmer Server connected to a 222
transverter and the 144/222 pair of loops. If the transverter offset
can be implemented, feeding spots back into the Reverse Beacon Network
becomes reasonable.

Anyone else?


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