[Fourlanders] sound card and an off-topic item

Jon Pearl - W4ABC jonpearl at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Aug 24 14:11:31 EDT 2012

While I haven't used Drop Box, I have used Google Drive and apparently 
they've just increased the storage limit to 10 Gigs.

Take a look at the third selection down from the top.  I've used this 
feature extensively.  You can place files on the drive for everyone to 
read or just those with the link you provide.


Jon Pearl - W4ABC

On 8/23/2012 7:38 PM, whensley11 at comcast.net wrote:
> For those of you that got to Huntsville last weekend, I hope you had a good time. The hamfest featured more vendors, and some good forums. The hamfest continues to grow!
> Is there a good sound card to use for the digital modes? What should I be considering - just in case a PC I purchased last November might have a good sound card in it?
> The off-topic item. I need to get two (2) 20 MB files to a fellow engineer. Is there an FTP site I can use, or ... just how might I go about getting those files to him?
> Thanks & 73,
> Kim
> WG8S

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