[Fourlanders] Fw: You are invited: TechFest Jan 12, 2013 Lawrenceville

Jim Worsham w4kxy at bellsouth.net
Mon Dec 31 02:45:37 EST 2012

FYI.  For once this isn't the same weekend as the January VHF test.

Jim, W4KXY

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Norm Schklar 
To: wa4kxy at bellsouth.net 
Sent: Sunday, December 23, 2012 11:22 AM
Subject: You are invited: TechFest Jan 12, 2013 Lawrenceville

wa4kxy at bellsouth.net 

Please forward to your ham friends.  
This email is being addressed to club leadership in Georgia.  

      TechFest by the Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society 
      Gwinnett ARES

      Date for TechFest 2013 is January 12
      Location is the Gwinnett Medical Center, Resource Center
      665 Duluth Highway, Lawrenceville, GA 30046
      New Hours for 2013: 9:00am until 2:00pm
      We're pleased to have: Freeside Atlanta - an Atlanta Maker Space collective.
      Forums on :
      -ARISS Amateur Radio on the International Space Station.
      -Ham Radio Audio with Bob Heil (Live Webinar).
      -SOTA, Summits on the Air. Georgia has just been included in the registered NA SOTA.
      -APRS, already using it find out more, not using in, find out what you're missing. 

      The NFARL table at TechFest will provide an opportunity to learn to solder with an electronic kit-building activity. 

      And we will once more have our famous Chile Cookoff.  Bring a crock pot for judging.  Must be in place by 11:00.

      If you can't attend, you can still support TechFest with a donation through the raffle of a Yaesu FT857D.  More on the www.gars.org web site. 

      The VE session while at the same time and place as TechFest is a separate event.  The standard fees and information requirements will apply. Thanks to all the VE's for taking up yet another day to examine. Questions exams at gars.org 

      Here's a partial list that have confirmed for 2013:  

            TOPIC  Exhibitor 
            Fun with Low Power Radio (QRP)  North Georgia QRP 
            Build an interesting beginners kit  North Fulton Amateur Radio League 
            Hams on Cams Using Video to Promote Amateur Radio  HamsOnCams.com 
            ARRL Section Manager  ARRL 
            ARES in Gwinnett County  Gwinnett ARES 
            D-STAR in Georgia   Georgia D-STAR 
            A Marriage of Old and New Technology - The Original Text Machine   Alford Memorial Radio Club 
            Military Auxillary Radio Service   Georgia MARS 
            QCWA   QCWA Chapter 49 
            Meteor Scatter,  WSJT, Moon Bounce, VHF contesting   Southeastern VHF Society 
            GARS Youth Lounge  GARS Youth Lounge 
            TechFest   Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society 
            VE Session   W5YI VE Dave Bruse, W4DTR 
            Venture Crew 73 Scouts   Venture Crew 73 
            Remote your HF Station   Ray Bailey, N4GYN 
            CW Keys and the fun of CW in Amateur Radio  CW Keys 
            Preview of ARC's Second Sunday Sessions   Atlanta Radio Club 
            Ham Radio Sound Webinar by Bob Heil   Bob Heil 
            ARISS    John Kludt 
            Freeside Atlanta    Freeside Atlanta - 
            an Atlanta Maker Space    collective. 
            SOTA Georgia  SOTA 
            The Excitement of DX   SEDXC 
            Our Club and Keenahoochee Hamfest   Keenahoochee Amateur Radio Club 

      The Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society (GARS), and The Gwinnett Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), will be hosting our annual TechFest in January. In recent years we have invited regional radio groups to participate by setting up a table with information about their activities and to demonstrate some type of amateur radio mode, method, technology or experience. This will be an opportunity for the community to become aware of the many modes of operation of Radio Amateurs and view some of the preparations taking place by public service volunteers in the Ham radio community. Unlike Field day, or the typical swap meet, this is not a contest or race. It is a chance to experience modes of our hobby that you might have never seen. Or to show your friends and family what Amateur Radio is about.

      We want to thank all the exhibitors and guests for great participation over the past 15 years.  

Norm Schklar
Amateur Radio Station WA4ZXV
Join us for TechFest January 12, 2013

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