[Fourlanders] Tower Climbing Video

Charles Osborne k4cso at charter.net
Fri Mar 23 06:55:21 PDT 2012

Wow, that was worth the price of admission.

He trusts the hell out of those welds on the pegs. Or the clamps on the foot 
holds further up, going at it hand over hand. It was like he was just 
starting up the first thirty feet of a small tower. What get's me is the 
lack of the 5/16" cable up the center of the ladders that you clip onto with 
the fall arrester. I'd say someday that risk taking attitude and a dollop of 
bird poop will meet... and he'll have 8 or 10 seconds to ponder how 
appropriate the term "slicker than owl .xxxx." really is.

I've been that high back in my fresh out of school days. But most of the 
2000 foot towers will have a cable elevator about the size and shape of a 
coffin on rails to about the 1800 foot level. What's disturbingly memorable 
is the start from the bottom. You push the button, hear the cable winch 
start and see cable being taken up. But you're still not moving. Then when 
all the slack and tension stretch has been taken out you get the bungee like 
launch from 4,000 feet of cable stretch.

If he actually climbed 2000 feet and still had that much control of his 
legs, he's definitely a marathon man.

I can just imagine the conversation at the top...
"OK, hand me the bulb."
"Bulb? I thought you had the bulb!?"

Charles, K4CSO

----- Original Message ----- 

Sent: Thursday, March 22, 2012 10:45 PM
Subject: [Fourlanders] Tower Climbing Video

> Check this out.  One of my collegues at work trying to be funny.  It made 
> me dizzy to just watch.
> 73
> Jim, W4KXY
> Subject: Fwd: Job opportunity
>            As you may know I have worked in the wireless business for over 
> 15 years. As the industry continues to grow and so do the many 
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> this introductory film. Age is not a limitation. I have know many 
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>            There is a brief animation at the start which leads to the 
> film. If you decide that this is your next career opportunity, I have many 
> contacts so let me know if you want introductions.
>            www.liveleak.com/e/07b_1284580365
>            Mel
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