[Fourlanders] June contest planning

w4zst at windstream.net w4zst at windstream.net
Wed Apr 16 10:44:22 EDT 2014

Time to start planning for the June contest as it's now less than two months away, June 14-16.  Those of you planning to participate as operators, band captains, trailer pullers, kibbitzers or campers, let me know what you plan to do.

I think Jim had made reservations last year for Mile High and I'm sure he will confirm this to me.

Anyone wanting to help out with or take over the cooking duties is highly encouraged to contact me with said info!!!  If there are none coming forward, I will be on duty with my attempts to poison you all over the weekend!!

So, there you have it, contest kick-off time.  Let me know.

Thanks and 73, Bob


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