[Fourlanders] thoughts??

Tom McElroy tommcelroy.mail at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 09:21:42 EST 2014

You wrote:
*"Hopefully, these latest changes would breath new life into these same

I couldn't agree more.  To me, the main point is to have a crowded band,
full of CQ's on a contest day. It should be exciting.  And if we use the
net, or smoke signals to make it exciting, fine.

It does not detract from your skills as an op, rather it lets you use
the resources that surround you to make contacts.

I don't pretend to know everything about contest rules, etc., but I know
how to make ham radio exciting for the replacement generation.

The old guard can take their antiquated notions and make Q's from one
nursing home to another.  That's the brutal truth of failing to recognize

Audrey KM4BUN and Elizabeth KM4BUO were excited to sit in front of  radios
and twirl the antennas, and hunt.

My entire goal was for them to be able to configure and connect radios and
meters and feed-lines and rig antennas, and learn propagation specifically
to talk to their friends, and to *you guys on the mountain.*


But after those Q's, there as a lot of dead air.

We all know that commercial interests would love to pounce on our bands.
And if we can't show that they're being used, we've got no way to defend



On Thu, Nov 13, 2014 at 8:40 AM, Ron Rogers <ww8rr at charter.net> wrote:

>   And……with the exception of the opening up the use of APRS rover data by
> EVERYONE now (not just multis), the opening up internet spotting clusters
> use by EVERONE (not just multis), and the idea of (God forbid !!) being
> able to “Self spot” now (this is radical), most of the other proposed
> changes simply clarify rules that were modified before, but still did not
> accomplish what the original rule change was intended to do.
> We have been screaming for years at the VHF conferences about the ARRL not
> embracing the idea of internet use and self spotting during contests, with
> the argument  that it shouldn’t matter where you get the info about a
> station being on the air, you STILL have to make the contact to gain the
> points.
> And, previous VHF-UHF advisory committees tried and failed to get these
> ideas accepted since the “Old Guard” was still of the DXCC and HF contest
> mindset of *Thou Shalt Not Self-Spot.*
> So…this is surely refreshing and I certainly hope that, because these
> latest proposals come from the Programs & Services group sub-committee
> whose big focus is on exposing and growing the hobby, that they may be more
> easily embraced by the Board. It certainly would be a giant step forward in
> matching today’s VHF-UHF technique with today’s real time information
> resources.
> A lot of you were not around when we old-timer VHF contesters were still
> using ARRL sections as multipliers. Again, the NE had a big advantage of
> more section scoring on multiple bands so there was major push back. But in
> the end, we DID get grid square scoring contests and it really helped bring
> new life into VHF-UHF contesting. Hopefully, these latest changes would
> breath new life into these same contests.
> *Ron*
> *WW8RR*
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* Fourlanders [mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] *On
> Behalf Of *John Kludt
> *Sent:* Thursday, November 13, 2014 7:54 AM
> *To:* Bill Pence; Kim Hensley
> *Cc:* Fourlanders
> *Subject:* Re: [Fourlanders] thoughts??
> Biill,
> Not sure of who all is on the distribution but just one small note in
> defense of the ARRL.  I have been in some discussions with them and they do
> see the VHF/UHF contesting community as a part of the issue.  Specifically
> the NE has a huge advantage based on populations density and they like that
> advantage, thank you very much don't do *anything* that would mess with
> that.  Certainly in 2014, amateur radio without the Internet is like a fish
> without water so I am sure these welcome changes will boost scores.  Not
> sure it will lead to a differential advantage for anyone, but like you
> said, welcome to the 1990's
> Johnny
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Pence
> Sent: Nov 12, 2014 7:26 PM
> To: Kim Hensley
> Cc: Fourlanders
> Subject: Re: [Fourlanders] thoughts??
> wow. welcome ARRL to the late 1990's!!!
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 7:02 PM, <whensley11 at comcast.net> wrote:
> Here's ARRL's contest rule announcement AND solicitation of comments for
> VHF/UHF/microwave contesting.
> http://www.arrl.org/news/arrl-seeks-input-on-initial-vhf-uhf-microwave-contest-rule-changes
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