[Fourlanders] June contest kickoff

Ron Rogers ww8rr at charter.net
Tue Apr 21 21:23:15 EDT 2015

I will discuss my current situation and status with you and Kos at the
conference this weekend. 

-----Original Message-----
From: Fourlanders [mailto:fourlanders-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of
w4zst at windstream.net
Sent: Monday, April 20, 2015 6:04 PM
To: fourlanders at contesting.com
Subject: [Fourlanders] June contest kickoff

 It's time to start thinking about the June contest.  I have been doing some
figuring on my own based on recent participation and we sure need some folks
to come forward if we are going to be able to go to the mountain for the

Jim W4KXY is going elsewhere on a DXpedition, Jim WE8W has a family
commitment and Brian NX9O also will not be able to make the contest.

We are just enough right now for trailer pullers since Kim has volunteered
to pull a trailer if necessary.  I really don't yet see a large enough
contingent of operators yet though.  Sherman has signed on as an operator.

I know this is the first call, but I have heard from a number of folks
already.  I know I'm assuming some of the regulars are coming without having
heard yet so this will be the tale of the tape as they say.  Let me know
your plans and availability.

Our back-up position will be to operate from my QTH and minimal work would
need to be done for that as three stations are still set up and antennas for
all but 432 are still in the air.

Johnny and I strategized about 2m EME for the contest on the mountain and
have decided to just give it a try at moonrise and moonset on the mountain
if terrestrial Q's are not busy or abundant.  Much more work to get 2m EME
antennas up there for the contest.  Ron will be able to do 432 EME with no
problems.  It is a daytime moon weekend though.

So, put June 12-15 on your calendars if you haven't already and let me know
whether you will be able to participate for a trip to the mountain.

Thanks and 73, Bob

Off to SVHFS conference this weekend.

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