[Fourlanders] Fwd: Stone Mountain Hamfest and Much More in North Georgia

Jim Worsham w4kxy at bellsouth.net
Wed Aug 26 00:58:55 EDT 2015


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> From: Stone Mountain Hamfest <wa4zxv at schklar.com>
> Date: August 25, 2015 at 5:29:11 PM EDT
> To: w4kxy at bellsouth.net
> Subject: Stone Mountain Hamfest and Much More in North Georgia
> Sorry, Second attempt!
> An update on Ham Happenings in the Atlanta Area this Fall/Winter
> Please share with your organizations membership if appropriate.
> 1. Stone Mountain Hamfest November 7 and 8, 2015
> http://stonemountainhamfest.com
> Forums
> Saturday 
> Dr. Eugene Clark/W4AYK, ARRL Section Manager
> --Review ARRL activities in the Southeastern Division
> Dave Benoist/AG4ZR, SEC Georgia ARES
> --Georgia ARES Mission, When Disaster Strikes
> Bob Heil/K9EID, via Skype 
> -- Audio in the Modern Ham Station
> John Davis/WB4QDX 
> -- DSTAR
> Megan Brown/KM4HFY & Martha Muir/W4MSA, 
> -- Mill Springs Academy Amateur Radio Class 'Advancing Youth in Radio' 
> -- Military Auxiliary Radio System and how you can help
> Sunday 
> -- Working Fox-1A & Fox-1C Ham Radio Satellites 
> Catherine Todd/KK4UBQ Ladies in Amateur Radio
> --Nets, HF, and Contesting 
> Steve Garrison/N4TTY 
> -- Mesh Networking for Beginners
> Youth Lounge and Special Event Station - W4Y at Stone Mountain Hamfest.
> Look for the announcemnt in QST November issue. The bulk of the activities will be focused on the period from 10AM to 3PM Saturday with a specific frequency on 40M SSB and 20M digital. Of course, contacts will be made throughout the operation of the youth lounge but to garner a lot of QSOs (somewhat contest style), we are attempting focus attention during the 5 hour period. Youth operators will make contacts much the way that GOTA stations operate at FD. The digital station will be against a wall, nearby. Special QSL cards would be handed out to passersby and available with an SASE to the Mill Springs club. We plan to have teens using portable FT 817s on 40M SSB frequency as they roam the boneyard and hamfest soliciting QSOs from young and old alike, especially youngsters. They will be pointed to the youth lounge to pick up their special event QSL card! The Mill Springs hams will be studying Arduino this fall and we plan to have some of their work on display. The oscilloscope exhibit will be available for hands on manipulation by youth. Likewise the CW setup. Younger folks will be filling out and adding color to the QSL cards for sending out or handing out at the booth! Look for additional announcements on the youth lounge.
> 2. Youth Net - http://nfarl.org/nets.html#YouthNet
> Please encourage young hams and young people interested in amateur radio to join in Youth Net. Young people will have the opportunity to chat with their peers across the metro Atlanta area, across Georgia, and perhaps across the country via this net. Youth 18 and under are invited to participate. The net will meet on Wednesdays, starting on August 19, beginning at 7PM EDT. It will be held on the NFARL 145.47 Sweat Mountain repeater. Echolink participation is encouraged. Connect to node NF4GA-R (number 560686). The Youth Net is a project of the Mill Springs Academy RC. Questions? Contact Martha W4MSA See QRZ.COM for her email or to inquire.
> --Setting up for Youth Net Here's how to get set up to participate in the net: Tune your radio to 145.47 (-) PL 100.0Hz or log into 145.47 repeater ECHOlink node 560686 (NF4GA-R). For more on EchoLink, visit the ECHOlink Overview page. When the net opens, we will ask for check-ins. Please check-in with your name, call-sign, and location. Optionally, Open a web browser (i.e. Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc) to the NFARL chat room hosted at http://nfarl.dodropin.org if possible. Sign into the chat room by entering your callsign-yourname (i.e. W4MSA-Martha).
> 3. Maker Faire
> Maker Faire - October 2-3 Decatur, GA http://makerfaireatl.com/ Atlanta area hams will again join forces to put on their award winning Maker Faire exhibit which will provide a variety of exciting hands on exhibits such as Tuning Electrical waves, sending Morse Code, building an electric circuit, and talking on ham radio - Social Networking for over 100 years! Access www.atlantahams.com for info on ham clubs throughout the North GA area. Maker Faire is a free event held in Downtown Decatur
> 4. HamJam - November 14 http://hamjam.info/
> The North Fulton ARL will again host the annual HamJam event in Alpharetta GA on Saturday. Not a hamfest, but presentation of 3 world class speakers for the enjoyment of the North Georgia ham community. Past speakers have included Kay Craigie, N3KN, president of ARRL; Nobel Laureate Joe Taylor, W1JT; and Steve Galchutt, wG0AT, of QRP and mountain climbing fame with his goats! Headlining this year’s event is Jamie Dupree, Cox Radio news reporter stationed in Washington, DC who has agreed to speak at HamJam. You can hear Jamie everyday on the Herman Cain show on WSB radio http://www.wsbradio.com/s/dupree/ . Besides being a famous journalist, Jamie is also an Extra Class Amateur Radio Operator, NS3T. He loves contesting. After being inundated daily with politics in the news, it will be interesting to see what Jamie has to say about the world of amateur radio. For a review of past speakers, go to http://hamjam.info/about.html . A key feature of this event is the HamJam raffle ticket. Prizes have not been announced but they typically are worth thousands of dollars. The purchase of tickets offsets expenses to bring in outside speakers. Plus, and this is the motivation for everyone... the proceeds go to the youth education effort spearheaded by the NFARL YESA (Youth Education, Scholarship and Activities) group.
> Join this FREE admission event at the Metropolitan Club, 5895 Windward Pkwy, Alpharetta, GA at 9AM to 1 PM, November 14.
> 5. TechFest http://techfest.info January 9, 2016
> The Gwinnett Amateur Radio Society (GARS) will be hosting our annual TechFest in January. In recent years we have invited regional radio groups to participate by setting up a table with information about their activities and to demonstrate some type of amateur radio mode, method, technology or experience. This is an opportunity for the community to become aware of the many modes of operation of Radio Amateurs and view some of the preparations taking place by public service volunteers in the Ham radio community. Unlike Field day, or the typical swap meet, this is not a contest or race. It is a chance to experience modes of our hobby that you might have never seen. Or to show your friends and family what Amateur Radio is about. We want to thank all the exhibitors and guests for great participation over the past 17 years.
> Sent by Norm Schklar, WA4ZXV, Norcross, GA wa4zxv at wa4zxv.com                         This is preliminary information subject to change.
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