[Fourlanders] Intergalactic PI Day / Einstein's Birthday

whensley11 at comcast.net whensley11 at comcast.net
Mon Mar 7 16:21:44 EST 2016

NEXT MONDAY is a special day.  It will be   ‘Intergalactic PI Day / Einstein’s Birthday’.    The date will be 3.14.16 and the Nerds amongst us will realize that this is the value of PI, an irrational number (3.1416).  This number is often found in formulas and calculations used in radio and electronics.  
We will never have another day whose date comes this close to the value of PI.  This date is also the birthday of Albert Einstein.  
It will be a great day to be a bit irrational, so listen for Special Event stations on that date.  W8P, N8P, N4P and N9N will be looking for contacts.  40 meters, 20 meters, maybe even 10 meters?  
Check out www.qrz.com/db/N4P    www.qrz.com/db/W8P    www.qrz.com/db/N8P for frequencies and times.  
You can to to this ARRL page for more info.  http://www.arrl.org/special_events/search/page:2/Date.start:2016-03-01/Date.end:2016-03-31/model:Event 
If all goes well,  N4P will be mostly on the HF bands, and also expects to be on 146.55 MHz (+/- QRM) simplex from Brindley Mountain (Alabama) on and off during the day.  There may even be a ‘Clean Sweep’ award for those that contact all four stations.  
Looking forward to a contact with you on the air.  This is for the NERD in all of us!  
( Gee, now where did I leave that slide rule? ) 
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