[Fourlanders] Fwd: [N1MM+] Announcing the World Wide Digi DX Contest

John Kludt johnnykludt at gmail.com
Mon Jul 1 10:13:02 EDT 2019


FYI - should be a fun time.

John K4SQC

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Anthony Luscre <k8zt73 at gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jun 29, 2019 at 2:21 PM
Subject: [N1MM+] Announcing the World Wide Digi DX Contest
To: <N1MMLoggerPlus at groups.io>

For immediate release. June 29, 2019.

The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation ("WWROF"), in collaboration with
the Slovenia Contest Club ("SCC"), is pleased to announce the first annual
World Wide Digi DX Contest ("WW Digi"). The new contest taps into the
excitement being generated by the new digital modes pioneered by Joe Taylor
K1JT and the WSJT-X development team. The contest will occur over 24 hours
on August 31 and September 1, 2019 using the FT4 and FT8 modes on the 160,
80, 40, 20, 15, and 10-meter bands.

WW Digi will utilize a distance-based scoring system to measure operators'
abilities in making DX contacts across the 6 HF amateur radio bands.
Contacts will earn points based on the distance between grid square centers
of the two stations. This will encourage operators to seek out long distance
weak signal contacts that highlight the technical advantages of the new
digital modes.

To encourage activity across all bands, a multiplier will be given for each
new 2-character grid field contacted on each band. The final score will the
product of the total contact points times the number of grid fields
contacted. There should be plenty of strategy required to balance distant
QSOs and the need to work all available grid fields. Single and
multi-operators are welcome to operate as much or as little of the 24-hour
contest period as they wish.

The contest has been designed to enable making contacts utilizing standard
WSJT-X software behavior, making it easy for non-contesters to participate.
At the same time, the contest supports some new techniques that will
encourage operating innovation, such as permitting stations to work up to
three "QSO streams" on a band at one time. Robotic operation is specifically
prohibited in order to keep the human element as part of the game. The full
rules and other information are available on the WW Digi DX contest web site
at https://ww-digi.com

It is fitting that the World Wide DX contest series be expanded with a
fourth mode, Digi, to support evolution into ham radio's future.
Accordingly, with WWROF's sponsorship of the World Wide Digi DX Contest,
there will now be similar worldwide DX contests at the end of four
successive months, August through November.

Serious contesters and casual participants alike can make ham radio history
and have fun as the hobby pioneers the exciting world of digital
communication. WWROF hopes the WW Digi DX Contest will attract new digital
operators into contesting.

Plaques will be awarded for top scorers. Please contact the WW Digi Contest
Director Ed Muns, W0YK at plaques at ww-digi.com to sponsor an award.
Electronic certificates will also be available for download for anyone that
submits a log. The goal is to have results available on the web site within
90 days after the end of the contest.


The World Wide Radio Operators Foundation is dedicated to improving the
skills and fun of amateur radio operators around the world by utilizing
education, competition, advancement of technology and scientific research,
promoting international friendship and goodwill.

WWROF is a non-profit, donor-supported, organization which sponsors this
contest and provides the infrastructure for log submission, log checking,
and other services in support of many popular radio contests. Please visit
http://wwrof.org for more information.

About SCC

The Slovenia Contest Club has a long tradition of supporting digital
contesting with its annual RTTY Championship contest held the last weekend
of August. For more information about SCC please visit
*Anthony Luscre*

Ohio Section Section Youth Coordinator & Education Outreach
ARRL - The National Association For Amateur Radio™

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