[Fourlanders] Fwd: invitation to join the Fourlanders channel on Slack

Bryan W3CP w3cp at w3cp.info
Fri May 22 08:24:02 EDT 2020

Per the email discussion with some of you, I have set up a #fourlanders
channel in the VHF-Chat workspace on Slack for the club to use.  The
VHF-Chat workspace was created by several users in the Ping Jockey
crowd that were looking for a friendlier place to chat, and has since
grown to over 600 members now in all areas of VHF+ interests.

about Slack
Slack is a commercial chat/collaboration platform targeted at
businesses, but they have a "free plan" with limited message history
(10,000), that is perfect for ham activities.  Slack can be used in a
web browser, with dedicated Windows or Mac apps, or with iPhone and
Android apps, so it is easy to keep up with the discussions wherever
you are.  In addition to text messages, you can send screenshots,
pictures, or file attachments.   Also, you can send direct (private)
messages to other users.

getting started
If you do not yet have a Slack account, the first thing to do is
create a free account in the VHF-Chat workspace using this link:


When creating an account, set your "Full name" to whatever you would
like, but set "Display name" to:

FirstName Call 6-digit-Grid State

For example, my profile settings are:

Bryan W3CP
Bry W3CP EM74ug GA

Joining the #fourlanders channel
Once you are logged into the VHF-Chat workspace on Slack, you should
see a list of channels on the left side.  When you created your
account, you were automatically added to the default channels.
However, you must manually add the #fourlanders channel.  On the left
panel, look for the "+" icon to the right of the Channels heading.
This will open the Channel Browser, where you can locate #fourlanders
and click on it.   This will take you to the channel.  At the bottom
of hte page, you should see "You are viewing #fourlanders" and below
that a button "Join Channel".  Click this button, at which point you
should be all set.

You will likely see some other channels of interest there too, so feel
free to join them as well!  #flwss for example (still trying to get
more FLWSS users active there).

Please go head and get signed up now, well ahead of the contest, so
you can get familiar with it.  I think we will find this a great place
to hang out anytime we are active, not just during contests!

Let me know if you have any questions or need any help!

Bryan W3CP
w3cp at w3cp.info

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