[Fourlanders] W4ZST Multi-Op Sept VHF contest results

Bob Lear w4zst at windstream.net
Mon Sep 21 17:19:13 EDT 2020

                 ARRLVHFSEP Summary Sheet

     CallSign Used : W4ZST
       Operator(s) : Bob W4ZST, Brian NX9O, David KN4ZKT, Ashton KJ4AMA

Operator Category : MULTI-OP
Assisted Category : ASSISTED
              Band : ALL
             Power : HIGH
              Mode : MIXED+DIG
  Default Exchange : EM84
      ARRL Section : GA
         Club/Team : Fourlanders Contest Team

         Band   Mode  QSOs     Pts  Grd  Pt/Q
           50  FT4      1       1    0   1.0
           50  FT8     78      78   24   1.0
           50  MSK1    31      31   20   1.0
           50  RTTY     1       1    1   1.0
           50  USB     23      23   12   1.0
          144  FT8     26      26   13   1.0
          144  USB     18      18    8   1.0
          222  FT8      9      18    7   2.0
          222  USB      6      12    3   2.0
          420  CW       3       6    2   2.0
          420  FT8      3       6    2   2.0
          420  USB     19      38   11   2.0
         1240  USB      1       3    1   3.0
        Total  Both   219     261  104   1.2            Score : 27,144

I couldn't have operated the five separate stations alone as a single 
op.  The shack is set up for multi.  Back in June I ended  up mostly on 
6m the whole time because of the good openings then. Thanks to Brian, 
David and Ashton for joining up with me for this contest.   Brian 
especially made the most Q's.  He got up early (very) on Sunday morning 
to work MS on 6m and had great results as you  see above and also made 
the 6m FT8 Q's later on Sunday.  I, of course, was likely asleep in my 
chair for most of the contest. Seriously though, thanks to all the folks 
who worked us and sorry if we missed some as we had a good bit of down 
time with problems. WSJT just kept dropping audio requiring reboots of 
program, sometimes even reboots of computers and radios.  Happened way 
too much.  I think I was off 2m for hours because of these problems.  We 
are still working on trying to find our what was going on.  The 
Fourlanders regulars would have been upset with me if I had also invited 
Jerry and gotten to savor his cooking for the contest.  I'm sure I'd 
never have been forgiven for that.  We did have some good BBQ take-out 
dinners Saturday night and I cooked hot dogs for us on Sunday.  Not our 
usual fare but we survived.  Thanks to all our members who have 
submitted their logs for the club competition too. 73, Bob

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