[Fourlanders] 13 Colonies Special Event

Ron Rogers ww8rr at charter.net
Wed Jun 30 12:55:28 EDT 2021

Well.....we just got Field Day wrapped up so next up is the annual, very
entertaining special operating event "13 Colonies" which takes place around
July 4th holiday.


The  13 Colonies <http://www.13colonies.us/>  special event will begin on
July 1 (tomorrow) at 1300 UTC and conclude on July 8 at 0400 UTC.  Stations
representing the original 13 British colonies, plus two bonus stations, will
be on the air with 1 × 1 call signs. 

This is the 12th year this event has taken place. 
Many of us club members have been participating in this for years collecting
the very attractive "themed" certificates. This year's certificate theme is
Colonial Tall Sailing Ships.


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