[Fourlanders] Icom 905

Ron Rogers ww8rr at charter.net
Fri Aug 19 11:07:20 EDT 2022

Here we go again…… Icom screwing up a potentially very nice multi-VHF band radio by leaving out the 220-225 MHz band capability !!


All of ITU Region 2 has allocations for 220-225 MHz, with the exception of the US & Canada (222-224). I would think there would be sizable marketing interest in all of SA, US, and Canada for a SDR covering the 1.25M band.  

Just because Japan does not have that frequency band allocation, they won't even consider it as a feature in these radios. 





From: Fourlanders [mailto:fourlanders-bounces+ww8rr=charter.net at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Kim
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2022 9:44 AM
To: Fourlanders
Subject: [Fourlanders] Icom 905


Check it out. 




73, Kim - WG8S 


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