[Fourlanders] FW: [Moon-Net] Support for KA6U's Grand Tour of the States...

Ron Rogers ww8rr at charter.net
Mon Aug 29 10:20:32 EDT 2022

For our EME interest group in case you had not seen Marshall's posting….





From: Moon-net [mailto:moon-net-bounces at mailman.pe1itr.com] On Behalf Of Marshall-K5QE via Moon-net
Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2022 10:56 PM
To: Moon-Net
Subject: [Moon-Net] Support for KA6U's Grand Tour of the States...


As most EME ops know, Peter-KA6U has been on a "Grand Tour" of the US states.  He has operated on 1296, 432, 222, and 2M EME from 45 states in the US(maybe more, I lost count).  He has been instrumental in new WAS awards for 222MHz and 1296MHz.  There may have been a 432 WAS in there somewhere too.  

Peter has told me that the costs for this extended rove has been in excess of $25,000 and in particular the costs have been 50% higher than originally planned.  This is due to the current economic situation here in the US--very high gas prices, food prices, costs for motel rooms, and everything else.  

I want to ask those of us in the EME community that have benefited from this historic "Grand Tour of the States", to make some donations to Peter to help with his unprecedented costs.  If we can provide more support for Peter, he can do more roves.  Peter's PayPal address is petervanh143 at gmail.com.

I have made a substantial donation towards Peter's expenses and I challenge other VHF ops to do the same.  I thank you for your help.

73 Marshall K5QE

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