[Fourlanders] W4NH September Contest Summary with correct score box

Jeff Townsend WB8LYJ wb8lyj at gmail.com
Sat Sep 17 14:19:46 EDT 2022


I had too much going on to get out for the contest but I will plan on January.

Where can I go to help you guys with multipliers.
I can imagine that 222 will be pretty much anywhere away from the population centers.

Jeff Townsend

> On Sep 17, 2022, at 10:16 AM, Bob Lear <w4zst at windstream.net> wrote:
> Well, Windows apparently decided that my cut and past job was not up to it's satisfaction and changed it back.  Wish I had some control over that.
> Here is the correct scorebox for the September contest.  I'm sure some folks went into shock seeing what was first posted.  It wasn't that good!  73, Bob
> <EVsBAdMIAROoqPrL.png>
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